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I knew my plan was stupid but I needed to get myself out of this

My plan was to pretend I was having a heart attack and die
The only one able to bring me to life would be Rochelle

It was Stupid but it might work

The wedding was tomorrow , My nerves felt sweat

Rochelle's POV

I woke up that morning from crying and my heart gave a normal beat
I was back where I started
A normal teenage girl with a normal teenage life
As I walked down stairs my father gave me a straight face
I sat down at the table with my parents
No words were shared till my father finished his breakfast

Rochelle's Father : Why did you something so Stupid

Rochelle's mother : Dear don't start , she had a bad night already

Rochelle : I know it was Stupid dad , ok Im sorry for acting like a child

Rochelle's Father : You could have just waited till marriage but no , you wanted it in the woods after you murdered someone

Rochelle : I told you it was an accident

Rochelle's Father : But you could have told him no
Where you even thinking

Rochelle : Do we have to talk about this now ?

Rochelle's Father : Yes because today I'm taking you to the doctor

Rochelle : Im not sick or anything

Rochelle's Father : He could have passed a disease to you

Rochelle : Dad your being over protective

Rochelle's Father : Safer than sorry

Rochelle's mother : Your father has a point Rochelle , I mean what if he gotten you pregnant

Rochelle : Mom that's gonna to far

Rochelle's mother : Did you two even use protective

Rochelle : I am not answering that !!!

Rochelle's Father : Why , is it because you didn't or you don't know

Rochelle : Im not pregnant !

Rochelle's mother : We'll see what the doctor says

Rochelle : Im not going to see any doctor

Rochelle's Father : It's for your own good and health

Rochelle : You guys never listen to me , or care for me

Rochelle's Father : We trusted you that night you went to the dance

Rochelle : I never even wanted to go to that stupid dance , you forced me to go

Rochelle's mother : Cause we wanted you to make friends

Rochelle : I made more friends in that world than here

Rochelle's Father : enough talk , lets go to the doctor
I want to make sure your healthy and if not , Im filing a report on that pervert

I tried to get away from my Parents but they got me in the car
As we drove to the doctor's office
All I could think about was my freedom

We finally got to the doctor's
There was no way to fight this
My parents grabbed my arms and dragged me inside

The doctors ordered me to sit and talk first
My parents sat beside me while the doctor asked questions

Doctor : Tell me Rochelle , did you use protection

Rochelle : I .... I don't know

Doctor : Ok , then did you know if his family has any diseases

Rochelle : I don't know

Doctor : How long have you known this man

Rochelle : About a week or two

Doctor : Can you give me his full name

Rochelle : Spark Harp

Doctor : What is his age

Rochelle : 18

Doctor : Alright , we will track his family's history and see if we can contact him and family

The doctor left the room with my parents I was all only

Rochelle : Good luck with that

Nurses came in to check me
I was poked and picked
I was very uncomfortable
The doctor came back in with my parents

Doctor : It seems we can't trace this Harp male , there are no records of Harp Family
Are you sure his last name was Harp

Rochelle's Father : It is , how can you not trace him

Doctor : I don't know , but we have results on Rochelle

Rochelle's Father : What are they ?

Doctor : Im going to tell them to your daughter first

The doctor walked in the room with my parents outside

Doctor : Rochelle , we weren't able to Trace Spark's family history or info

Rochelle : I expected that

Doctor : We have your results

Rochelle : and ...

Doctor : Your not pregnant or have any harmful diseases

Rochelle : I knew it

Doctor : You seem perfectly healthy

Rochelle : Just tell that to my parents

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