Chapter 12: Facing Saruman

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The others sat in silence. They could see Gandalf on his horse as he approached the tower. They saw him dismount and enter.

Then they waited. Pippin was afraid for a number of reasons. One, Merry was dying. Two, Aragorn could be dying. Three, they could all be dead if Sauron regained the Ring.

Pippin hadn't really thought much about the Ring since they left Rivendell. He honestly hadn't thought it to be very important.

He'd thought that they would go to Mordor, destroy the Ring, and be done with it.

Yes, he'd known that there would be danger. But nothing could have prepared him for orcs, Nazgul, trolls, balrogs, and Boromir betraying them.

A part of Pippin wanted to blame Boromir for all of this, for Merry, Aragorn, all of it.

But when he thought about what Gandalf had said about the Ring, how it corrupted and tempted people.

He realized that it wouldn't be fair to put all of the blame on him. It was the Ring! If only he hadn't been able to take it from Frodo.

Then they'd still be together. On their way to Mordor. He couldn't stay mad at Boromir. He had been his friend. He'd helped the hobbits, Aragorn, all of them.

His only hope was the destruction of the Ring.

Pippin heard Merry groan and quickly moved to his side. "What's wrong?" he asked Legolas.

"I've done all that I can for him." he replied grimly. "All we can do now is wait."

Pippin grabbed Merry's hand. "You're gonna be alright Merry. You'll be fine."

Pippin had almost forgotten about the riders that still sat on their horses nearby.

One of them commented, "This is an odd company. Four halflings, an elf and a dwarf. Why do you travel together?"

Pippin looked at the man. He was young and had a fair face. His hair was darker than his other companions.

"We are a company that set off from Rivendell." Legolas explained. His voice revealed that he didn't trust this man.

But Pippin did. If he had come with Gandalf then surely he could be trusted.

"What business did you have in Rivendell?" the man asked.

"That is none of your concern." Legolas told him. Not sharply or in anger. But in a voice that made Pippin uneasy.

What was wrong with him?

The man smiled. "Forgive me. I was just curious."

He dismounted and walked up to them. Not minding the water that flooded the ground.

"My name is Theodred. Son of King Theoden of Rohan."

Seeing that the Legolas was in no hurry to introduce himself, Frodo took over.

"My name is Frodo. These are my cousins, Merry and Pippin." his voice shook slightly when he mentioned Merry but he continued.

"This is Sam, Gimli, and Legolas."

"I'm honored to meet you. I could not help but over hear that you were missing another friend."

"Aragorn." Legolas said. His arms were crossed and his gaze fixed on the tower.

"I am sorry that he was captured, but I have faith that Gandalf can save him. He is capable of more than we know."

Theodred said no more and remounted his horse. Then they waited in silence for Gandalf to return.


Gandalf climbed the stairs that led to the top of the Orthanc. He entered the room where Saruman kept his palantir.

"I see you've finally arrived. Mithrandir." Gandalf faced Saruman. The wizard stood proud in front of him.

Gandalf didn't waste any time. "You have betrayed us Saruman. The White Council, the people of Middle Earth, and the Valar.

He took a step forward. "You are no longer Saruman the White. Your title has been taken away from you. As well as your power. You will no longer posses the power of the Maiar."

Saruman gasped in pain. His staff broke in his hand and he fell to his knees.

Gandalf waited for the wizard to get back to his feet. It pained him to see his friend like this. Saruman had been a great wizard. A wise and powerful being.

But he had been corrupted by the very thing that had made him great.

Saruman stood and glared at Gandalf. "Is there anything else you wish to take from me?"

"Your panlantir." Gandalf stated. "And Aragorn."

Saruman sneered. "Do you think that I would release the heir of Isildur from my own hand? No Mithrandir. He will not leave this place. Although, I would be willing to make a trade."

"What kind of trade? Gandalf asked suspiciously.
"Aragorn for the elf."

Gandalf raised an eyebrow. "Why Legolas? What use is he to you?"

"Nothing. He is of no use to me. He is however, a use to Sauron."

Gandalf stood over Saruman. Anger filled his eyes. "How do you know about that?"

"I looked into his mind. I saw everything. His fears, his secrets. His past however, is what I found the most interesting."

Saruman grinned. "You know as well as I what he did. What he can do-"

"He walked away from that path long ago." Gandalf interrupted. He would not tollerate this any longer.

"You will release Aragorn. And you will not face another living being for the rest of your life! You will live here in isolation until the breaking of the world!"

Saruman gasped in pain. He could not fight against Gandalf. Or his will.

Once he recovered. He glared at Gandalf. "Take him, and the rest of your precious fellowship."

Gandalf watched as two orcs entered the room with Aragorn between them. The man was unconcious and in a terrible state.

Gandalf approached them and carefully supported Aragorn. He would be alright.

Gandalf also took the palantir. As he left the room he heard Saruman call out, "That elf is a killer Mithrandir! He always has, and always will be!"

Gandalf paused as a single thought ran through his head.

I know.

And he hated himself for realizing it.


Another chapter done. Yay!
Please please please please comment! I need to know how I am doing as a writer!

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