Chapter 5 - Partytime

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Later on that night Julez and I went out to explore the beautiful CBD of Sydney. He took me out to an amazing restaurant called Quay. It tasted beautiful he then took me to the Sydney Sky Tower and we watched the sun set. 

"Hey Julian?" I had to ask

"Yeah?" he sounded worried

"If you win X Factor 2012 would you ignore me or would you keep me in your life?" I nervously said

"I would NEVER forget you, I would keep you in my life because you are an amazing girl and I fucking love you!" He responded

"Me too Julez, me too" 

We then went to Bondi beach and went for a moonlight stroll and sat down and talked for ages

"Time to go back to the hotel" he said breaking the silence

"But I don't want to go to the hotel now" I whined

"C'mon otherwise I'll tickle you" he winked and started tickling me

"Ok haha fine haha stop it Julian!!" I tried saying,

He finally stopped tickling me and we stayed at the beach a little longer, the sound of the waves crashing made the moment a whole lot more romantic.

"Steph your so beautiful and I adore you" He whisphered

"Julez your so sexy and I am in love with you always ha-" I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine

Once he broke the kiss off he apologized "Sorry about that"

"No thats ok Julez I loved it, now lets go back to the hotel I'm exhausted" I yawned

We caught a Taxi back to our hotel and went to bed, I thought about how seriously Julez would want to take this relationship. Oh well better discuss that with him over breakfast tomorrow and how we are going to tell his parents about us.

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