Chapter 22 - Why then

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Taylas POV

When Steph and Julian left I knew that I had to come up with excuse

"Hey you alright clarkey?" I heard a voice

"What?" I responded "Don't you ever call me that!" 

I hated people calling me Clarkey just because my surname is Clarke doesnt mean they can call me Clarkey or Clarke Rubber!

"I have to tell you some-" I sighed

"Shit! Julian why did you have to do this!" I heard Trent exclaim whilst looking at his phone

"Whats wrong?" I whispered

"Julian started another fucking fight with a guy at the shopping mall! We need to get the others Tayla...and quick before it gets nasty" He responded whilst chucking a U-turn

"I have to tell you something Trent" I whispered

"What is it Tayla?" He murmured into my ear.

"I have to go back to Adelaide, I cant be this close to one of my best friends who is more than a friend to me..." I replied

Trent just turned around and glared at me "But I still love you Trent!" I cried out

"Go" He said turning his back to me

"What? You've got to be kidding me!" I whined

"Leave now Tayla and NEVER return to Sydney!" He yelled

Steph's POV

After tending to Julians bruisings, I suddenly realised that Tayla wasnt there when we were picked up. I decided to give Tayla a buzz.

"Come on Tayla pick up..." I murmured

"Hi you've reached Tayla, I'm currently busy at the moment but if you leave a cute message I'll get back to ya!" I heard her voice message

"Goddamit Tayla Clarke!" I screamed

"Hey whats wrong babe?" I saw a tired Julian walking in

"Nothing Julez..." I started "Just a friend being a bitch..." He must have noticed I was tearing up because he walked over to me a wrapped his arms around me

"Steph you shouldn't worry about fake friends thats all they are. Remember you've got me, Trent, Jayden, Zach and Will! You also get along with Renae so dont ever put yourself down!" He spoke

I looked up into his eyes "God your lucky I love you" I laughed, giving him a kiss on the Jawline and resting my head back on his chest

"And I love you too baby girl" He chuckled, his chest vibrating against my head.

"Do you know who I could call though?" I questioned him "Its about Tayla, I'm worried"

"Don't be...try Trent he's normally the best at these scenarios" He thought

"Ok thanks babe. You know what we should do? We should invite the others and Renae over for dinner!" I cheered

I thought it would be the best idea because I hadnt see Renae and the others since Julians little incident with Josh...


* You have one new message*

Josh: "By the way Brad still loves you and he wants to meet with you. Meet him at Chinatown @ 1330. Or else..."

Crap. I then decided to message him back asking him what would happen if I didnt go

Josh: "Or else your gay boy is going to get it."

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