Chapter 15 - The Tickets

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Steph's POV

The next day I woke up with a beautiful person whining to me...

"Steph!! Wake up im hungry!!" I heard my brother whine

"cant you make yourself something?" I respond

"yes but right now I cant be stuffed and you make the best brekkie ever!" he exclaimed

"Fine" I moned

He jumped for joy and lept out of my room, I lent over to check my phone to see what time it is

*12.10PM* my phone read with 1 new message.

it was a message from julian saying;

Hey beautiful I know you may not get this but I just want to say that I love you so fucking much and I miss you. Can't wait t osee you and for you to meet the boys you will love them so much. (hopefullly not as much as me) I love you gorgeous and cant wait to see you watch me perform.

Love you loads Julez xx <3

I walked out of my bedroom nearly in tears, I cant believe he did that just to say he missed me that much.

 "Hey you ready to ma- Woah Steph are you alright?!?" my brother asked me

"yeah I'm ok just have a read of this letter..." I said as I handed the message to Declan

He took close to 5 minutes reading the message with a blank expression on his face.

"...well what do you think of that Dec?" I questioned my older brother

"...I think you have a sweet boyfriend if he cares about you that much that he sends you a letter saying that!" he exclaimed

I chuckled to myself, he never was like this with Brad I wonder what he thinks of Julian?

"you sure you alright Steph?" Declan reassured me

Why do brothers have to be so protective over their younger sisters their meant to be nice to us...

"for the sixth time, YES I am ok Declan!" I responded

"jeez dont get so hormonal...its not my fault julez is on the x factor"

oh no, he did not just say that! I thought my brother loved me...

"oh yeah and your tickets are here just thought I should let you know" he said walking past me

What did I do to get my brother to hate me so badly, we were so close before now we seem so distant...

I then thought that I might want to reply to Julian seeing that the message was sent at 10.30 last night.

Hey babe,

Oh I miss you soo much babe I just got the tickets THANKS SOO MUCH I cant wait to see you! I Love you soo much and I miss you...I cant wait to meet the boys though I may like them more than you ;) Nah why would I do that to my little Julez Haha gotta go babe love you


Message Sent

Ok now to talk to declan... I went to where I thought he would be, his bedroom...

"Hey Declan, you ok?" I knocked

When I opened the door my heart just froze because before me I saw my brother with a razor

"DECLAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! Stop that this instant!" I screamed

"You don't love me do you Steph? Is that why you were acting so hormonal to me?!? Just talk to me! We are brother and sister we are supposed to LOVE each other not HATE each other!" He yelled at me

"Oh god Dec I-I didn't you thought that-" I was interupted

"Of course you didn't, why because you didn't bother TALKING to me!" He Screamed at me

"Declan stop this right now, this isn't like you! I don't want to lose you. I. Don't. Want. To. Lose. You" I tried calming him down

"Help me then Sis! I don't want to lose you either! You mean too much to me! I love you so much!" He started to calm down

I then decided  to help him, first I carefully walked over and took the razor out of his hand and placed it down...

What I did next also surprised me. I hugged Him

Wait why am I surprised about that we are Brother and Sister after all. 

"Thank you Steph" He spoke calmly to me

"No problem Declan, I just don't want to lose you. You mean too much to me" I whispered

"Ok now lets get you ready for going to the airport to see Julian!" He excitidly told me

Oh yeah my flight leaves at 7.30am tomorrow morning in First Class as well! God I can't wait to see him...


After about 2 1/2 hours of packing my bag I was waiting in the Domestic Airport with Declan, Ashlee, Rachel, Tayla and Michelle ready to board our flight.

"Can all 1st class passengers for Flight 726 to Sydney please board" The automatic voice boomed over the speaker

"Look after your self Steph! Remember to Use a condom!!" Declan Yelled

"Dec!!" I blushed

"Haha Don't worry Declan we will make sure she doesn't get into any trouble while we are away!" Tayla yelled back to him

We then stepped onto the plane ready to see my Boyfriend and his bandmates

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