Chapter 12 - The Ex

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I decided to go to school the next morning and caught up with all my friends, Tayla, Michelle and Rachel

"Heyyy Steph!" Tayla, Michelle and Rachel yelled

"Hey Girls!" I had a big smile on my face

We all gave each other big hugs and sat down for our recess;

"Ok so I need to tell you something very important...BUT you can't tell ANYONE! Understood?" I started off telling my besties because I knew I could trust them

"What is it Steph?" Rachel asked with a concerned look on her face

"Well...I'm going out with Julez..." I murmurred

"HOLD UP! What!? Are actual serious?" Michelle said shocked

"Yes, I'm serious ok so you know how I went to Sydney with him?" I started

"Yeah, what does that have t- oooohhhhh now I get it" Michelle wondered

"Geez Shelly bit of a blonde moment there" Tayla laughed

"Ok, so we were at the auditions and I'm sure you all watched and saw me respond with a yes to his Question?" I winked

"Oh My Fucking God! Your going out with him!!!!!" Rachel screamed

"Shhhhhhhh Rachel!" Tayla, Michelle and I said in Sync

"Sorry" she whispered

"Yeah but I dont know how to tell Brad..." I said with a worried look on my face

"I'll come with you Steph" Tayla said comforting me

"I can't, because I have swimming straight after school. Sorry" Rachel apologized

"Nah its all good I dont need you girls there"

"But we are here for you if you need" Michelle started

After school, I messaged Brad

Steph: Hey can we talk? :)

Brad: Sure everything alright beautiful? xx

Uhh here we go again I thought He just isnt over me is he?

I met him at the local Subway

"So what do you want to talk about babe?" He said leaning in to kiss me

"Firstly get your filthy hands away from me! We are through remember??" I responded with a stern voice

"Since when were we over I thought we only just begun?" he said trying to seduce me

"You were being a fucking prick to me and I told you that if you kept on being a dickhead to me we would NOT be going out anymore and you simply ignored me you self-centre dickhead!" I started to tear up

"Carrying on from that..."

"You remember Julian De Vizio?" I questioned him

"Yeah my best mate, I mean former best mate. I saw what he did on the Auditions Steph. Don't go out with him I'm the perfect guy for you!"

"I'm sorry Brad, I love Julez right now" I whispered starting to tear

He turned around before walking away and said

"You did the wrong thing you fucking bitch, you WILL regret this I fucking hate you!" He yeIled at me

He stormed off...I sat down balling my eyes out how could he say that to me? I got my phone out and called my Mum

"Hey mum can you pick me up I'm at subway ASAP please" I said crying

"Sure thing baby, you Ok?" She sounded worried

I knew I had to ring Julez when I got home, 10 minutes later my Mum came and picked me up

"You ok beautiful?" She asked

"I talked to Brad" Is all I could say

"Oh" Mum responded "What about?"

"I'm going out with Julian Mum. We went to Sydney and I'm sure you watched the audition with him asking me out and I said YES mum! I said yes because I love him!" I blurbed it out

"I know you two were going out we watched it on X factor and we knew you were perfect for each other, just forget that prick of an Ex Brad he did wrong ok...I'll call your friends and you can have the rest of the week off ok?" She said

I knew I could trust my mum, she was like an older sister to me we have gotten so close since Dad was shot. My dad was in the army and fought over in Afghanistan, when one day a fucking dickhead shot my dad in the head. I never thought I would miss my dad that much, he taught me everything I knew about football*

I came home and my friends were waiting for me...

A/N: Firstly when I say football I mean REAL football (Soccer) NOT that the shit sport called AFL (Australian Rule Football). I hope it doesn't get too emotional for some of you... :) Its going to get better trust me ;) Tell me what you want in it and I will add stuff :)

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