Chapter 6 - Sydney!

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The next day Julian woke me up and took me out for brunch to a beautiful restaurant near the Sydney Harbour Bridge called the Wildfire Sydney. I liked that name it sounded so cool and the customer service was amazing.

"Hey Steph? I was wondering if you would like to climb the Sydney Opera House with me?" He broke the silence while we were waiting for the food we ordered

"Julian I would love to" I smiled

His eyes just beamed with happiness "Awesome, when would you like to climb?" He asked

"How about after we eat our food?" I responded.

We both agreed our food came and we enjoyed our food while talking about our relationship and then I decided to ask him...

"Hey Julian?" I had to find out "Why did you ask me to come?"

"Why did I ask you to come? Because I had my plan all set out" he started saying

"But  you do know I have to go home soon...back to Adelaide" I started to worry

"Don't panic I'll always love you thats why I asked you to be my Girlfriend" He smiled

Wow, Girlfriend that sounds strange especially hearing it from my best friend now Boyfriend.

"Okay, lets go climb this bridge..." he said enthusiastically

We walked off hand in hand, his hands were so warm.

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