•Struggling With Ourselves• *Part 1*

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(Your PoV)

     I woke up to the sweet aroma of tea being brewed throughtout my house. I smiled and looked over at the alarm clock on my nightstand.

"Ah..7 am..Levi's heading to work." I could already picture him trying to dress himself and make the perfect tea he had to have every morning at the same time.
     I giggled slightly before looking over towards the door. His briefcase sat there like it had been the night before. I mentally face-palmed at his forgetfulness and got up to grab it. I walked downstairs, still in my nightgown, to see exactly what I had imagined.
     Once I got down the stairs, I quietly walked up behind Levi.

"Good morning dear." I whispered as I placed a hand on his shoulder. Levi turned and asked,

"What are you doing up, (Y/N)?" I sighed and held up his briefcase. He blushed slightly and hesitantly kissed my forehead as to say thanks. He was so cute sometimes, even in the simplest things.
     Not a lot of words were said after that. Levi sat and drank his tea as I stared off into space, still effected by the residue of sleep.
     Levi looked at his watch before closing the newspaper, folding it up, and laying it on the table. He stood up and straighten his tie before saying,

"Time for me to go." His voice caught my attention and I quickly stood up. I followed him to the door and said,

"Huuhh? You're just going to leave without giving your dear old wife a kiss?" I tried to pout but apparently it didn't have the same effects as it once had.
     Levi looked at me with a straight face before coming towards me and giving me a wet kiss on the lips. I gripped his arm as he pressed his lips onto mine harder. I punched his chest and soon he broke away. I gasped for air and said in between breaths,

"I....my lungs..aren't as compacitated as they used..to be.." Levi gave me a guilty look before taking my hand in his.

"Oh boo. Kissing you is like winning the lottery every single time so I'm going to kiss you as much as I want for as long as I want."

"Okay but when I pass out, you're going to be the one to explain to the doctor how it happened." I decided to play out the scene for him as well, I said in a professional voice,

"Mr. Ackerman, how did your wife get like this?" I then frowned and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well you see doc, I wanted to feel like a rich man so I kissed my wife so long she passed out." Levi pinched my cheek before kissing it.

"Go back to bed (Y/N). See what you're like when you don't get enough sleep?" I rolled my eyes and replied,

"Alright honey whatever you say. Hey! don't forget your briefcase." I stopped him before he walked out the door. I handed it to him before smiling happily and saying,

"Have a good day at work." Levi looked up at the sky before sighing. He sat down his briefcase and pulled me in for a heart-warming hug. He said,

"When you're smiling at me like that, I can't help but want to hold you like this." I kissed his cheek and said,

"Go, you're going to be late!" Levi grabbed his briefcase and started to walk to his car but stopped and turned around. I gave him a curious look to which he replied,

"Don't forget to lock the front and back door before you go back to bed as well as the windows and alarm the alarm syste-" "LEVI SHUT UP AND LEAVE." I interrupted and yelled. I knew he was only being caring and sweet but he would be here for another half an hour lecturing me if I didn't. He cracked a smile before getting into his car and giving me a little wave through the gap in his halfway open window. I smiled and waved back as I watched him back out of the driveway and onto the road.
     I smiled and did as Levi said, locking all the doors and windows. I then went upstairs into our bedroom and got into Levi's side of them bed. I wrapped myself up in the covers and sniffed as Levi's amazing scent filled my nostrils. I soon feel asleep wrapped in that scent, I could truly say I was at peace. Little did I know, that that peace would soon turn into something much, much graver.

A/N: CLIFFHANGER BUT MORE FLUFF BEFORE IT GOES DOWN~ remember this story goes backwards so they're in like their 60s or something idk but they're like the married comedy duo it's so funny thanks for reading part two is coming soon and just get ready for some shit :>

Our Life ( A Levi x Reader Fanfic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now