New Life

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Lola pov

I woke up early and laid in bed next to Austin who was fast asleep on his front which was cute. I was thinking about Viki she seemed so edgy there wasn't a farm for half an hours drive cause Austins mother had so much money and from over the years. Well I didn't think about what if she was one of us that was going to attack but that was not going to happen like Austin would sense it I mean hes the alpha. I decided to get out of bed and I went downstairs I opened the curtains in the living room and most of downstairs when I actually took the time to look out of the windows there was a sheet of white everywhere. God it had snowed over night I better go and check on the horses. I got my riding gear on for if I needed to do anything then I walked up to the stables. It was freezing. I finally got to the stables which was a 2 minute walk from the house but it seemed longer. All the horses seemed fine but anyway I put their coats on and fed them as I was doing so I saw something on the fence behind me I looked and it was Viki ' what are you doing here private property ' ' its not to me ' ' yes it is wait what ?' ' oh you will see soon' then she disappeared I then got creeped out and walked back to the house. When I got back Austin and the twins was ready and he was getting them ready to go out in the snow and said ' hey honey wanna come and play in the snow?' ' yes sure ' ' are you ok ?' ' I have just been up to the horses and Viki was there then she disappeared and she said you will see soon and vanished ' ' I will keep an eye out do you wanna take the kids on the shetlands and then they can have some fun too?' ' sure I will go grab them ' ' we will all go together its fine' ' ok' so thats what we did. I finished helping him get the kids ready then we walked up to the stables grabbed the shetlands and two horses strapped the kids on and jumped on went for a ride in some nearby woods and played in the snow.

Austin pov

I got up and noticed Lola wasn't in bed shes probably at the stables she loves it up there I decided to get the kids ready to to in the snow as they where awake too just as I was getting the kids sorted Lola walked through the door and she didn't look right she then told me she saw Viki and she said something. I wanted to take her mind off of it so we went on a family ride and played in the snow.

Lola pov

When we got back I went to my parents cottage and they knew about me being half werewolf now so I talked to my mum and she didn't know what to do. Then I went to Austins parents and they know people and the area very well and they didn't know a Viki they didn't know anything about a neighbouring farm there wasn't one for miles as the owner that owned the land around them had gave it to his son. I was really getting worried I didn't want to think about it so I went home cooked a big family meal then our parents came over we all had fun chatting and playing games then we went up to bed as soon as our parents left we went to bed after we put the twins to bed and we couldn't help ourselves but have some fun of our own.

Austin pov

When we got back Lola went to our parents house while I fed and played with the kids then when she came back she cooked a family dinner which was amazing then we played some games chatted then after our parents went we took the kids to bed and we did too after some fun for ourselves.

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