Boys New Beds

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Lola pov

So yesterday Austin swapped the boys beds for twin ones and last night they slept really good and now one thing I like is that if they wake up they can get out of bed and play with some toys and then either fall asleep or play until we go into them and if they wake up in the morning they don't have to cry for me or Austin to get them out of their cribs so they can play. The twins slept really well and I was surprised but I was really happy as now I could lay in bed. I laid in bed and Austin was still asleep I laid there thinking of my life and that I am nearly 19 and I am married I have 2 kids and one on the way with us in our own home on a farm with my own set of horses. Its a dream come true.

Austin pov

I woke up and Lola was just laid there I missed these moment we had I put my arm over her head and she moved her head onto my chest ' I love you ' ' I love you too ' she replied. We laid there until we heard the kids crying. We both jumped up and went into their room and David was playing in the tent with the tunnel and James had tried to get some teddies but all of them had fallen on him. Me and Lola just looked at eachother and laughed then James popped his head up which made us laugh more. We went to take the teddies away from him so he could play and Lola picked him up to make sure he was ok then she put him back down to play. I went and sat on the chair and so did Lola.

Lola pov

Austin went over and sat on the chair so I went over and sat across his lap he smiled and pulled me in for a cuddle. After about half an hour it was 10 o' clock so I got ready and then went and fed, groomed and made sure the horses was ok for the day. When I got back Austin had a cooked breakfast ready for me so me the kids and Austin after I had got changed tucked into a cooked breakfast and then Austin had to go and help round up some sheep and cows who where in the fields with my father and his. While Austin was gone me and the kids where playing I didn't do too much as I didn't want to do anything to hurt the baby. I began looking at some camera equipment as I was looking for some extra money at a youtube acount.

Austin pov

I went out to help do some sheep and cows which didn't take long and I was glad. When I got back home Lola was looking on the computer at camera stuff I asked her what it was for and she said she was thinking of making a youtube channel. I kinda didn't want her too as if she by accident said the wrong stuff I can be put in prison and If she shows me as her husband I am four years older and shes a mother so young she will be criticized and I didn't want that. I told her all of that and she agreed no. After we made dinner well she did and then we all had a bath played with the kids then we went and chilled out then went to bed.

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