Chapter 2

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Tobias' POV

I don't know what it is about her, but I'm definitely attracted to her. It could be her personality, the schools badass yet still nerdy. It could be her long blonde hair that had natural beach waves. It could be her smile, how it is never full unless she really enjoys what your saying, and even though it's small, it has a lot of emotion put into it. It could be her bright icy-blue eyes, curious about everything in the world, searching for answers. It could be her height, short enough to rest my head on top of hers while hugging her, her head resting on my chest, listening to my heartbeat get faster and faster. Or it could be all of the above. Yeah, it's all of the above. She's just that beautiful. Inside and out.

Lunch was amazing. She let me sit next to her, and whenever she would laugh, she'd move a little, bumping my shoulder. Every time she touched me I felt a spark. She would usually stop whenever she would touch me as if she also felt the spark, but would immediately go back to what she was doing to play it off. I learned that she rides a motorcycle and has a brother that is overprotective. I loved every second of lunch with her.

Some may say that I'm in love with her, but I'm not. I met her today and I don't believe in love at first sight. But I do already have some strong feelings for her. I feel like I need to protect her from the world. Keep her from getting hurt. From getting her heart broken. And I've never had these type of feeling for someone before.

I've had feelings of hate towards my father before he died of an alcohol and drug overdose. He would beat me, and I hated him for it. I have love towards my mom, a family type of love. She's all I have, no relatives, no girlfriend, nothing. But the feelings I have for this one girl is just...remarkable. I have never felt this ever in my life, but I like it.

"Tobias! It's time for dinner!" My mom shouts from downstairs. 

I quickly get up and go down the stairs. I can tell that she made cheddar potato soup with a little bacon just from the smell.

"How was your day honey? Any friends? Any...crushes?" she asks as we sit down and start eating.


"Yes to which one?" she asks and eats a mouthful of soup.

"All three. There's this girl, Tris, and I don't know what it is, but I have strong feelings for her." I say. I share everything with my mom, she's always been there for me.

"Well, can you explain to me what you mean?" I swallow the soup I had in my mouth.

"It's like I feel the need to protect her. I was awestruck right when I saw her, and whenever we touch, I feel a spark." I say and take another bite of my soup.

"Well that sounds like love at first sight to me."

"I don't believe in that though." 

"Well you might want to rethink that. I've been in love before, and what you just said to me sounds like love." 

I start thinking about what she said. It could happen, but it didn't this time. I have strong feelings, but I don't love her. Or at least not yet.


When I get to first period, I'm giddy. I get to see Tris again and I can probably talk to her more. Maybe take her out to the dauntless diner for lunch, but as friends. I wouldn't want to freak her out.

Tris walks in and sits down in front of me while I ignore Zeke's blabbing.

"Hey My beautiful best-friend." She laughs a little and says hey back to me.

"What happened to me?" says Zeke, "Aren't I your best-friend too?" 

"Well, I wouldn't have said beautiful if I were talking about you. So hello my dumb best-friend." Tris laughs and this time, so does Zeke.


Hope you liked this chapter. Please give me ideas for this fanfic. I have no major plans for this so far so I could use some. Please like and comment as you please. Love you initiates!

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