Chapter 4

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Tobias' POV

Tris is insane. But I like it. School finished a few minutes ago and today is the gay pride festival for Chicago. Tris being Tris, she wants to go. So Tris, Chris, Zeke, and I are all going with her. Tris is currently getting ready for it with Chris while Zeke and I sit on her bed.

They're in the bathroom with the door shut, but we can till hear them fighting. Usually Tris would be fighting Christina about wearing makeup, but this time it's the other way around. Tris likes to go all out about these types of events and is doing Christina's make-up like she did hers. She already put a rainbow under both of my eyes, like how we do the black in football, but in gay pride colors. She did the same to Zeke.

Tris and Chris finally come out and I'm surprised. It sounded like Tris was caking there faces with colorful makeup, when in reality, she did very subtle make-up, well, considering the circumstances. They both have rainbow eyeliner in wings, the colors having an ombre effect. Their lips also have rainbow ombre effect.

"Ready to go?" I ask getting up and wiping my hands on my jeans.

"Yep! Let's get this party started!"


We are walking around and so far, I've seen very interesting things. Such as gay guys grinding against each-other, rainbows everywhere, and very drastic make-up. What I didn't know was that Demi Lavato was going to be performing on a float. We are all following the float and Tris is singing along to Cool for the Summer. Her hair is whipping back and forth as she sings and dances. It's kind of adorable, actually.

We have had a few comments, asking if Zeke and I or Chris and Tris were together. Obviously we said no. The float is now far away so we go to a field of grass full of people dancing. Tris turns around and grabs both of my hands, smiling her beautiful smile. She starts pulling me in and moving her shoulders back and forth.

I laugh and start dancing with her. She giggles a little and starts jumping while moving her head. She seams so happy. I grin a little and copy her, making her laugh again.

I feel almost rebellious being here, which I guess it kind of is. Plenty of people feel like same sex marriage-and dating-is wrong. Like loving someone of the same gender is wrong. What they don't realize is that if the roles were reversed, they would be extremely offended. It's like telling someone who is straight that you can't marry someone of the opposite gender, because it's 'wrong'. You wouldn't want to not be allowed to marry the person you love.

"Four, do you want to get a drink with us?" Chris asks and I nod.

We get to the stand and we all buy a water-bottle that has a rainbow paper thing that are on water bottles. We make our way back to the float and after a while get to it. Demi is singing Confident and Chris and Zeke are talking in front of me. But where's Tris? I start looking around but I can't find her anywhere. That's until the voice that was singing changes.

I look back up at the float to see Tris on it singing with Demi, both of them smiling. I'm guessing both of them knew that she wasn't supposed to be up there, but Demi doesn't seem to care. They keep singing and dancing and I get my phone out, video taping them.

I post a part of the video on Instagram, the caption saying 'My very own rebel'. Right when I post it, the song ends and Demi hugs Tris before she hops off the float, walking back towards us with a smug look.

"Where to next?"


Happy thanksgiving! I hope no one is offended by this, but please don't give me crap, it's just my opinion. Anyways, please like and comment as you please. Love you initiates!

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