Chapter 7

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Tris' POV

"Hey guys." I say as I sit down at lunch.

"Hey, I've gotta question for you Tris." Zeke says and looks at Four before looking back at me.

"Well then spit it out."

"Do you have a cruuush?" his voice get's higher as he says crush, probably because of the look I just gave him.

"Nooo."I say mimicking his voice, although, I'm not completely sure if that response is true.

"But Trissy, you need to start dating at some point in your life or you'll be a loner when you're older!" Christina says.

"But Chrissy, you dress me like a prostitute anyways, I'm sure some guy will take advantage of me while I'm drunk at some point!" Right when the words come out I regret them.

Chris' eyes fill with hurt and she gets up, running out of the cafeteria without another word.

"Shit." I mumble under my breath as I get up and follow her-well, hope to find her in- to girls bathroom.

When I walk in I don't hear anything. I check under all of the stalls and cant see any feet. Just to make sure, I look thru all of the cracks, hoping to find her since no normal person will hide their feet while taking a piss, and still find no one.

I check all of the janitors closets but she isn't in any of them. The bell rings, causing everyone to come out into the halls,making it harder to get anywhere.

"Tris!" I look to my right and see Four weaving his way through the crowd to get to me. 

"Hey, any signs of Chris?" I ask once he reaches me.

"No,but what you did was a dick move, you know." he says.

"I know, I wasn't thinking when I said it. I feel horrible now and I don't want Chris to do anything stupid and I just..." I let out a frustrated sigh and tangle my hands in the hair on my scalp, trying to calm down.

"She'll be fine, she's smart. I may not know her as well as you do but I know that she wouldn't let anything bad happen to her." He says and grabs my hands, bringing them down to my sides. 

He grabs my arm and leads the way out of the building,  probably heading to Chris' car, but who knows if she's there or not. I guess I'll never know until I check.

We make it to the school's doors and we go out but are stopped not even a foot out the door by a teacher.

"What do you think your doing?" he asks and looks at me specifically.

"It's our lunch hour and we'd like to go to the Dauntless-Diner to eat." I say almost too fast.

He narrows his eyes before nodding and leaving, going back into the building. I hear Four let out a long breathe but ignore it, wanting to find Chris. I walk around the parking lot looking for her car, Four behind me also looking out for her car.

"I think I see it." I say mostly to myself and start towards it.

"Chris is in there, you should go talk to her, I'll wait here." Four says and I nod, making my way to the car and getting into the passengers seat.

When I look at Chris, I almost laugh. She's sleeping with her head against the window and legs crossed, her phone dangling from her hand. 

"I'm sorry." I whisper and set my head on her shoulder.

I don't know how long it has been when I fall asleep, but it sure does feel great to have a nap.


Merry-one day late-Christmas! So, I got a laptop for Christmas and can update more often! I'm not sure if I'll have much time this week since I have family over for a week, but I'll try to update more often. Anyways, please like and comment as you please. Love you initiates!

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