Chapter 6

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Tobias' POV

After getting back from the festival, I just say on my bed and thought. I thought so much that I couldn't fall asleep. What are these feelings that I have towards tris? Why are they so strong? I need to figure it out.

I know I'm not in love with her, we met a few days ago. But the tingly feeling I get everyone I touch her had to mean something. Maybe it's a sign from God, telling me to stay friends with her, or even become more in the future. I have no idea, and I don't know if I ever will know.


"Hey honey, how'd you sleep?" Mom says while I eat my toast.

"Not very well. I couldn't stop thinking."

"About what?" She sits down next to me with her eggs and toast.

"About her, Tris, I can't get her out of my head. It's like she's taking over my thought without me realizing it." I take a bite of my eggs and look down at my plate.

"Well, what type of thoughts?" I look up into her dark blue eyes.

"I'm trying to figure out what my feelings are towards her. It's been nagging at me since I first saw her."

"Thinking about it isn't the key. Take action. Either ask the girl out or don't. Act like normal friends or don't. You'll never know unless you find out which of those causes your feelings. Now, tell me anything special to you. Like your favorite thing about her, or a nickname, just anything about her that you think may help." She says and I feel heat rise up to my cheeks as I think about her nickname.

"My beautiful best friend." I mumble.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." She says smiling and cupping her ear, teasing me like a friend would.

"My beautiful best friend!" I say a bit louder and she stands up.

"You're in love! You're in love! You're in love!" She chants over and over gain while prancing around the room. Sometimes I'm surprised she's my mom by the way she acts.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes you are! You just won't admit it!" She points at me and I roll my eyes, taking my plate to the sink.

"Say what you want, I'm heading to school."

Before she can reply, I'm out the door and driving to school which takes only two minutes. I park in a parking spot, only to notice Tris pull into the motorcycle parking. Before she can do anything, I go over to her and take her off the motorcycle by the waist. Once she's on her feet she turns around, her hair whipping in the same direction, and looks at me. I reach past her, grabbing the key, and giving it to her.

"Good morning My beautiful best-friend." I say and give her a hug, which She gladly returns, my body now filled with electricity.

"You too. I have a question for you though." She say and look down into her eyes. Her  eyes are going to fully consume me one day, I swear.

I snap out of my small trance and slowly nod, crossing my arms over my chest. I furrow my eyebrows, curiosity nagging at me.

" Do you think people will think we are a couple because of the post on Instagram? Because I'm very well known for being single and never having a boyfriend so I just want to know your opi-" I put my hand over her mouth to stop the rambling. I know most people would do the cliche kiss, but I'm not most people.

"No. We are just friends and everyone knows that." It almost burns my throat saying that. Saying that we're just friends.

I ignore the feeling as she nods and we head to class.


"Okay class, we need to put away the computers. You may work on the project at each others houses if needed." Tori says and we put everything away.

"Who's house do you want to do the project at?" I ask tris and she looks at me.

"Can we do it at yours after school?" She says while standing up.

"Sure. I'll make sure to charge my laptop."


Tris pulls into my driveway right after me and we both head inside.

"I'm home!" I yell and mom comes out.

"Her honey, who's this?" She says and smiles, pointing at Tris.

"This is Tris. We have a music project together."

"I'm Evelyn, Fours mother." Thank Goodness she used my nickname. I wasn't sure if she'd remember or not.

"It's nice to meet you. Like Four said, I'm Tris." They shake hands and Tris smiles her beautiful smile.

I start to zone out thinking about Tris, but am stopped by Tris grabbing my arm and dragging me up the stairs. Mom must've told her my room is up there while I was zoned out.

I lead the rest of the way to my room and we walk in. I look back at Tris to find her looking around with curiosity in her eyes. She goes to all my band posters, her eyes lingering on Fall Out Boy before moving on. She looks at the blue sculpture on my dresser, the one I got from Mom. While she's looking around, I grab my laptop and go to my emails where we e-mailed the work we did at school over to both of us.

" I have it ready." I say and tris comes over to my bed, sitting next to me.

"So I know how to beatbox, maybe we can out that in our mash up." She nods and seams to think a little about it.

"We can record you making sounds that we'll l need for the music and I can play keyboard since I know how to play that pretty well." She says and I nod.

"My uncle actually dropped off a professional mic for me to use whenever the other day, we could use that." I say and we walk over to the corner of the room where I set it up.

We start recording different sounds that transfer over to my laptop with a cord. We record some chords for the music then we record us singing the songs. We aren't using any of the original music from the YouTube video. We would watch/listen to it so I would know what to do, but nothing else.

"Dinner's ready!"mom yells from downstairs right as we finished recording.

We both start heading down and walk into the kitchen to find there's bowls of chicken noodle soup on the table instead of the usual two.

Tris start grabbing her things and I grab her shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I ask and she turns, looking into my eyes.

"I'm letting you eat with your family." She must think the third plate is for my dad.

"There's an extra bowl for a reason." I say and smirk.

"You eat with your father?" She asks and I almost laugh.

"He's dead." Thank goodness.

She nods, closing the conversation. When we sit down, mom looks at me with a tiny smirk etched on her face.

"Has my son anything about he feels? For examp-" before she says anything as, I'm on the other side of the table, covering her mouth with my hand.

"Mom, I love you, but you need to shut up." Tris laughs a little and a small grin makes its way onto my face. Although it quickly goes away when mom licks my hand, making me quickly pull away. Before I go back to my seat, I wipe my hand on her face, causing her spit to be all over her cheek.

"That was disgusting." I say and this time Tris laughs a full laugh, which from what I can tell, is rare. The fact that I caused her to laugh makes everything even better.


Can't edit it, I'm trying not to fall asleep at the moment. Please tell me if there's any mistakes. Lol I'm like half dead and wrote this a while back on paper which I had to write onto here which is very annoying and time consuming. Lol, anyways, please like and comment as you please. Love you initiates!

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