Chapter 3

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Tris' POV

I'm heading to lunch right now to meet up with my friends, but I'm stopped mid-step in the middle of the hallway. A hand grabs my shoulder, not roughly though. The person has a gentle touch but rough hands with long fingers. Four.

I turn around and he speaks right away.

"Hey, I was wondering if you would like to go to dauntless diner for lunch. My treat. I-It's not a date. Just going as, you know, friends." He says and rubs his neck, looking at me with nervous, hopeful eyes.

"Sure. But first I need to make sure our friends know."

"I already told them, just so we wouldn't have to waste any lunch time if you said yes." He smiles a sheepish smile, almost embarrassed about the fact that he's prepared. I just laugh at him and start walking outside towards the parking lot, him following right behind me.

"So. How's life?" he asks and I smile.

"Great. How's yours?"

"Good. Well at least now it is."

"Why is that?" My curiosity gets the best of me. I get it from my dad.

"Uh, I can't tell you. I'm sure I will be able to at some point, but not now." I just nod and head to his car, but I get an idea first.

"Hey, do you want to drive my motorcycle? I can ride in the back."

His eyes light up and he nods his head vigorously. He almost looks like a kid on Christmas, on a sugar high. I laugh and teach him the basics of driving it. Where the turn signal button is, how hard to press on the break, how hard to pull on the gas lever. Everything that he would need to know.

We get on and I wrap my arms around his body. I feel tingly in every place that we touch. I don't know why but it makes me feel protected, almost. I feel like we can be carefree without anything happening. I feel like we could do anything. And it's an amazing feeling.

"You feel it too. Don't you." He asks and turns the motorcycle on.

"Yeah, do you have any idea what it is?" He shakes his head and glances back at me with a smirk, revving the engine before looking at the road and taking off.

I can't help but laugh. I've never ridden on the back of my motorcycle before, so this is new, and I like it. I can see Four smiling in the rear view mirror. His smile is amazing. You don't see his smile very often, so any moment he smiles is a special moment.

I can hear a few hoots as we pass another school and chuckle a little. We get to a meadow path type thing, with a road for cars. There is no police car-or car-in sight. Let's try this out.

I slowly unwrap my arms from Four and slide them up to his shoulders. I stand up and slowly put my feet on the seat. I find my balance and take my hands off of his shoulders, Raises them to my sides. The wind blows my hair everywhere and I laugh. It's amazing. The road is smooth so I don't lose my balance ever. I can even hear Four laugh a little from below me.

The air is a perfect mix of warm and cool, making it feel like silk as it hits my skin. The meadow with trees surrounding us with blooming flowers makes it even more beautiful, with the blue sky and sun shining but not to bright. It's just amazing. An unforgettable moment.


"Where were you guys?" Christina asks with her eyes widened but somewhat angry. Goodness gracious. And it doesn't help that the rest of the gang is right behind her waiting for an answer.

"We went to dauntless diner for lunch,which you knew, and decided to skip 5th period since it's study hall for us. Why?" I answer before Four can say anything.

"I was worried that you guys got lost or something." her face fills with realization, but why? "You guys hooked up didn't you!"

My mouth opens in shock and Four starts coughing uncontrollably. Why would they think that?

"What the hell! No!"Four says and her face goes slack.

"Then what did you do?"

"She let me ride her motorcycle to the diner so she had to teach me how to drive it. Then we just ate and talked until we decided to come back." Four says and Zeke grins.

"Well, how was it? Did you do anything else?!"

"There was one thing that I know I'll never forget."he says and grins, looking at me.

"What was it!" Shauna says, well, shrieks.

"When we were driving through a meadow, she stood up on the motorcycles seat, and spread her arms out. Her hair was blowing around her face. It was amazing how well she was able to balance for that long while I was driving at like 50-60 mph."

They all start blabbering about how cool or dangerous that was. A few people that were listening in on our conversation are looking at me wide eyed. I chuckle and shake my head, looking at Four. He grins and I look back at the gang.

"Guys." They don't hear me. "Guys!" I try louder this time but it still doesn't work. "Guys!" I yell this time and they look at me.

"We need to get to class. You can argue later."


Thank you to everyone who has already read this even though I put it up yesterday. Feel free to give me suggestions and characters. Please like and comment as you please. Love you initiates!

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