He Cheats On You (Ethan)

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Here ik its been long over do but i hope you guys like it.



You were at home just sitting around missing your boyfriend, Ethan. He was gone for Magcon. He is with Grayson. you know that grayson would tell you anything you guys are like brother and sister. But you had faith that ethan would stay faithful. I mean after all what's the worst that's going to happen you thought.

so you were in the shower and you heard that you got a notification on your phone so, after you were done you decided to see what it was. The notification was from twitter. so you got on twitter and watched the video. the caption said "ohhh i hope Y/T/N does not see this" and the video was from aaron carpenter.

The video started with aaron outside ethan's hotel room and he walkin in to see ethan on top of a girl NAKED. you were so pissed. through the whole video Aaron was cracking up. You were pissed at aaron too but aaron is one of your friends. but before you did anything you decided to get dresses and call grayson.

you got dressed into a pair of sweats that say Brooklyn and a t-shirt that says Geek and a classic black zip up hoodie. Then after you got dressed you called Grayson.

~phone convo~

"H-hi." he says nervous

"Why so scared?" i said cockliy

"i don't know"

"Oh Really you don't know" i said getting mad.



"Im sor-"



You were shocked that he yelled at you. At this point you were crying because he NEVER yelled at you. If ethan was yelling at you he would always stick up for you.

"Y/n im sorry i didnt mean to yell at y-"

"how long"


"how long has he been cheating on me"

"hvyfyfyyfcttkx" he mumbles


"bvbhshhvhfdvh" he mumbles again


"6 months"

After you heard that you hung up the phone and cried. you were so pissed. you called your best friend to come over and because she is your bestfriend she dropped everything and drove to yours and ethan's house.

(listen to the song in the media)

as you were waiting you were reading the comments and most of them were sticking up for you. Telling him that he is a dick or an Ass burger and many many more. in the middle of you looking through. you heard your doorbell. you whip your eyes ,which are now red and puffy, and walk down stairs and you see Y/BFF/N standing there. she walks in and she engulfs you in a hug, while you are crying on her shoulder.

When you were done crying you guys walked into the living room and sat on the couch while you told her what happened. she was more upset than you were.

"What are we going to do" you ask her


and with that you gave her a smile and walked up stairs. you found some boxes and started putting his shit in them. the only things you kept were 3 of his hoodies because they were you favorite. once you were done you sat all of the by the front door, knowing that he was on his way home because he posted it on twitter.

you and you bestie were sitting on the couch when the door opens. you both turn around and see Ethan and Grayson. you get up and walk to the front door where they just came from.

"Heres Your Shit! Now get out" your bestfriend is just sitting o the couch just silently laughing.

"Y/N let me expl-"

"No get out." you said coldly.

You then look at grayson and gave him a sad look.

"I expected more from you Grayson"

"Y/n i just didn't want you finding out and getting hurt"


You then walk away from them and go to the kitchen and pull out a bottle of wine and get out 2 cups. one for you and the other one for your friend.

as you were pouring the wine you heard whispering but you didn't think much of it. "Y/N" you yell. she then comes in and has 2 followers. "Y/N" ethan starts. "WHAT" you snap. "im SO Sorry" "whatever just leave" "No. not untill we talk"


PART 2 ??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?

comment if you want to do a part 2



~chardae your fav

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