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I wake up the next morning way too late. I skip breakfast, say goodbye to my mom, and race out the door. I meet Riley at her house just after 7. "Hey losers, it's Maya," I call into the soundbox.

There's a slight moment of silence before Riley's familiar voice bounces through. "Come on up!"

I rush into the elevator and skip to the Matthews' apartment.

Auggie opens the door.

"Hey, Aug," I greet him. He wraps his arms around me, smiling. He's in his Mr. Googley onezie, half asleep.

Mrs. Matthews calls to me from the stove. "Eggs, Maya," she motions toward the table. "Eat."

I grin and sit down at the table. I look around.

"Riley's still getting dressed," Mrs. Matthews says, answering my question. I nod.

Mr. Matthews strolls in, wearing his usual teaching clothes. "Morning, Maya," he says.

"Morning, Dad," I reply. His eyes crinkle as his mouth forms into a smile. I know he loves being called that.

"So, are you ready for auditions today?" he asks.

I wasn't sure until yesterday that I was even going to audition. Miss Newsarelli convinced me though. I couldn't let her down.

From the moment I got home yesterday, I practiced. I pulled out my guitar and played the chords to "White Christmas", singing along. It really is a beautiful song. And I am hoping for a white Christmas, no matter what the weather forecast predicts.

"I hope so," I answer honestly. There are some pretty great singers at JQA middle school. I hope I'm good enough.

"I'm sure you'll do fine," Mrs. Matthews assures me, easing my fears.

"Thanks, you guys," I say. I love this family so dang much.

Riley emerges, grinning ear to ear.

"Um, hey Riles," I say. "Why so cheery?"

Her smile doesn't falter for a moment. "It's a beautiful day," she sighs dreamily.

Mr. and Mrs. Matthews share a look.

"Okay, peaches," I shrug. I'll get it out of her later.

"See you at school, Dada," she says, giving him a huge hug.

"I love you, Mommy," she remarks, hugging her too.

I just shake my head and drag her out the door.

"What was that about?" I ask once we're outside. She stares off into space.

Riley turns to face me. "I think I'm in love, Maya."

My eyes widen at this. "Really? Congrats, Riles."

She blushes. "He's tall, and smart, and adorable in every way possible. I think my feelings are true this time."

This time? I get a sinking feeling in my stomach that I know who she's talking about.

My eyes speak for me.

She nods. "I think I'm in love with Lucas."

I try to compensate what she just said. "Wait, what?"

She lets out a tiny giggle. Then a larger one. Then she's practically rolling on the sidewalk laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask. For some reason I start to laugh too. It's contagious.

We finally settle down by the time we reach the subway station. I got my pass renewed yesterday evening, so I don't have to walk in the cold again. Although if Lucas asked me to, I certainly wouldn't refuse.

"Why are we laughing?" I ask.

"Because you actually thought I liked Lucas!" she exclaims. Then she starts laughing again.

"You don't?" I ask.

"I just- wanted to make sure you still did!" she says between laughs.

"Oh my gosh, I hate you!" I laugh. We can't contain ourselves as we guffaw all to the benches.

"What's so funny?" a booming voice asks from next to us. We turn to see Evelyn Rand, known to us as none other than Crazy Hat.

"Just-" Riley begins. She looks over to me for approval. But Crazy Hat has already guessed.

"It's about that boy. Lucas, isn't it?" she asks.

"Yeah," I confirm. How does this lady know everything? Like seriously!

"Oh, he's a sweetheart. Any girl would be lucky to have him," She smiles up at us. "And any boy would be lucky to have either of you."

The subway pulls up in front of us. "Thanks, Crazy Hat," I say. What a crazy hat indeed. Today's has 3 hens sitting in a nest on top of her coal-colored beret.

"Any time, my favorite girlies," she replies. We get in and watch as her face gets smaller and smaller until it's only a speck in the distance.

I sit back in my seat. I'm so nervous for my audition today. I rest my head against the cushion and hum about a white Christmas.

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