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It's the night of the dance, and the concert. Ironically, I'm more nervous about the first of the two. 

I examine myself in the mirror. I adjust the strapless top to the long lavender dress, and grab two rings: my friendship one with Riley and my friendship one with the whole group. 

"Knock, knock," my mom says from the outside. 

"Come innnnn," I chorus. 

"Oh, my baby girl!" she exclaims, whipping out her camera to take a picture. "You're all grown up, my little darling!"

I laugh and give her a hug. "Not quite, Mama."

My phone buzzes on the table. I pick it up on the fifth ring. 

"Hey, Riles," I answer after checking the caller ID. 

"You ready, Maya?" she asks. 

I nod, then realize she can't see me nodding. "Yeah, I'll be right over," I reply. 

"'Kay," she responds and hangs up. I give my mom a kiss on the cheek before scurrying out the door and running (more like wobbling because of my heels) to the Matthews' apartment.

When I open the door, Mr. Matthews immediately grabs my arm and pulls me inside, slamming the wood behind me. 

"What's wrong?" I ask. My brain fills with terrible images of what could be going on. 

He has a one-word answer. "Boys."

Riley walks out, her short, flared teal skirt swaying. "Da-ad, don't embarrass me!"

I laugh. "Mr. Matthews, you can't keep us hidden forever."

"I have a way," he replies. 

"There's no way."


Lucas opens the door and he, Farkle, and Zay walk in. They look so handsome in their suits, purple and blue flowers tucked in their pockets to match our dresses. Zay doesn't have a date tonight, so he'll be hanging with us as well.

Cory stares, his mouth wide open. He points. "Boys!"

We all look around at each other and burst out laughing. 

I put my arms around my friends. "People," I correct him. "Students. Friends."

He pouts. "Okay, fine, you win." 

We walk together to the subway. 

The music blares as we make our way past the check in table and to the dance floor. 

Eleven band students pipe away on their instruments, making a swing-y beat for the couples to dance to. 

I pull Lucas to the dance floor, and the five of us friends dance until I can't take it anymore. 

When the clock is about to strike 8, the ASB president announces the final slow song of the night. The concert starts at 8:30, so we all have to get ready for that. 

"A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri starts playing as Lucas puts his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck. We sway back and forth through the song. I don't want this moment to ever end. 

It does, though, and we all empty out into the halls. I dash away to the bathrooms to change into my jeans and red sweater that I'm wearing for the concert. 

We'll be on last of the night before our group closing number. Part of me is worried that I'll mess up, but the excitement quickly beats out the fear. 

A/N: Only 1 more chapter left :(

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