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The school bell rings the second I sit down in Mr. Matthews' classroom. Lucas walks in just after I do. He looks confused. 

"Hey, Hop-a-long," I greet. He half-smiles back. I can tell something is wrong. 

"What is it?" I ask. 

"I-" He begins. Whatever was to be said next is cut off by Mr. Matthews. He walks into the classroom, jolly and bright in an "ugly Christmas sweater." 

"Hey y'all," he cheers. "Three more days of school. Boy, am I looking forward to a break."

We laugh. I'm really curious what Lucas had to say though. 

Our history lesson is very long. I really have no idea what happened; I slept (with my eyes wide open) through most of it. Something about a war, I think. Or a king. It's pretty much always a war or a king.

"Maya? Maya!" I hear a voice shout. 

"Huh?" I ask, startled. Lucas takes my hand and pulls me out of the desk. 

"It's time for the next class!" He replies, grabbing my backpack. I let him take my hand and guide me down the halls. About 5 classrooms down, I become awake and aware of the tall, muscular figure beside me. 

A group of nine cheerleaders comes dancing down the hall. Riley is at the front, parading around in her red and white uniform. 

"Hey, Riles," I say, expecting her to be looking for me. Instead, she skips past us, to a beanie-wearing guy a few paces away. 


My heart is racing so fast for her. She's liked him for as long as I can remember- she just didn't realize it. But she's known for a while now, and since the dance is girls ask guys, I think she might be finally going for it. 

"Sparkly Farkley," she starts. "I brought my team so we nine ladies could dance for you. There's a dance coming up the night of the concert, and I was wondering... if you would go with me?" 

Farkle's face lights up like I've never seen before. He walks forwards and plants a small kiss on her cheek. 

"Of course I'll go with you."

I don't know what gets in to me, but I suddenly turn to Lucas. "Lucas, will you-"

"Go to the dance with me, will you, Lukey?" Missy interjects. 

I stare, gaping. She puts on a sugary-sweet, smug little smile. I glare. 

Lucas looks from one of us to the other. 

"Yes, I will go."

"With who?" Missy asks. 


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