The Police

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It's been two days since the police came and took Miss away. They just left us in the hands of Jess as the didn't know what to do with us. What kind of cops are they? Anyway it has been two days Jess tried to keep the orphanage running but as Jess had no idea what to do she's managed I to transfer half of us. She's on the phone with one now while I sit here reading with Cory.

Jess comes out of the office and says "I've found a place for half the kids now, but the other 7 are staying here" she had a look of disappointment on her face this was hitting hard I can tell she misses her husband and her kids.

See with Jess she didn't adopt me because she had no kids and wanted one she adopted me to give back to the world. I found this out when I walked in on her Skyping them they were so cute. She then spent all of yesterday telling me about my new family they seem like nice people.

"Well that's still a start need some help" Cory asks "thanks cory that would be a big help there are still 6 places to check and it's almost lights out" I jump up to help to and we head into the office I start by saying " Ok so who has a home

Jack, Craig, Max, Flynn and Gary
Rachel, Stef, Kara and Issy

So that leaves

Liam, Tom and Cory
Bella, Harriet, Masie and Jordan

Wait change that that's 8" I say so they can tell the people we talk to jess replies quick "nope its 7 you added someone I'll talk with you about it later " I call 2 orphanages and found homes for all the boys, Jess found a home for two girls as did Cory, everyone finally had homes.

Jess called us to her desk "ok so I didn't miss count Cory coming with us I figured he would fit in as you told him everything about the family" I was so happy I hugged Jess then hugged Cory but I had to let him go so he could thank Jess and give her a hug. "Ok so now I need you guys to email these place a list of names they get and give all the kids name badges but frost can you do a round to make sure everyone is asleep" she asks us "yup we say and start to walk off " oh and thanks guys of all your help with the kids she smiles as we leave the office"

So yeah tomorrow is when we leave this place Jess won't tell me what she has planned for the building as I was all Givin to her by the cops I hope she keeps it I don't know why I just do.

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