The sister

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After my phone call with the police we had to take Liv down to the station, when we get there we had to be taken in a room it was plain there was only a table and some chairs. We were in there for what felt like 40 minutes then someone comes in they told us they had found a family member of Liv's, an older sister to be precise, her name is Raven Shadow.

When Raven walked into the room a smile covered her face and was about to cry Liv stood up and ran over to Raven giving her hug and wouldn't let go, Raven had black hair down to her belly button she had green eyes and dark skin just like Liv they could be twins but Livs younger.

When they finally broke Raven explained that the rest of their family would come when they got off work and school, she told us how they thought Liv was dead and what they went through turns out she's 12 and Liv has a older brother who's 10 his name is James.

We were told it's safer of her not to see Miss and better if she just talks to the police and not Miss, we had to leave while they talked to her which we could tell Liv was not happy about.

We had to sit outside I sat next to Cory and put my head on his shoulder I feel asleep almost straight away I hadn't slept in ages.

"Grace" someone touched my shoulder

"5 more minutes mum"

"Aww you called me mum"

I open my eyes and see Jess standing above me

"How's Liv?" She asked

"She's doing ok I mean the best the poor thing can"

"Yea" Jess sits beside me

We don't say anything till we hear a door open but it wasn't Livs it was the front door and in rans a little kid he runs over to Raven and sits down and cuddles with Raven it must be James no one said anything or questioned anything until two older people came in that must be their parents, Jess stood up and went to talk with them I heard some of it before I fell back asleep, they were talking about where they had found Liv and what was happening. That's all I heard before a fell back alseep

Thank you everyone for reading my story, I know I haven't updated in a while but I have be so busy lately. I still want you guys to leave people that can be put in the story and who you want them to be maybe you want them to be someone's other...... anyway I want to give a shout out to........ @RavenTheDragon15 for the character Raven Shadow thank you and I'm sorry if i didn't describe her like you wanted me to let me know and I'll come back and change it again Thank you -Turtle-

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