Chapter 2: It's Him

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Disclaimer: everything besides Selene and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

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Few days later.....

Selene's point of view....

I was in a waiting room in the Ministry getting ready for my private wedding. Moriah and I went to Diagon Alley to get a wedding dress and everything. I was very nervous about the whole thing and scared of the idea.

She did my hair and make up. I loved it. She left the room to get something. While she was gone, I wore my wedding dress. It hugged my body to show my curves all the way down to the hips. It wasn't frilly. After getting the dress on me, I walked to my chair in the center of the room and sat down.

{I wonder what he looks like. There is no way that he would like me.} I let out a big sigh.


I turned my head toward the door to see Moriah. She was wearing a simple maroon dress. She walked towards me with a small smile on her face. "You look beautiful," she told me. I gave her a small smile. "Thank you," I said to her.

"How are you feeling?" she asked me. "Nervous," I said to her honestly. I could feel my body shaking in the inside.She gave me a nod. I looked at her hands to see something shiny. She held a tiara in her hands. "Is that for me?" I asked her.

She gave me a nod. She placed the tiara on my head and helped me put the veil on. "Your parents would be so scared for you," she told me. {That's true.} If they were alive, they would never allow me to marry.

Knock... Knock....

We turned our heads to see someone at the door. "It is time," the person told us. Mariah took my hands and gave them a squeeze. "Lets go," she said to me. I gave her a nod. She helped me up and out of the room.

Moriah walked quickly to the altar while I walked slowly. I walked out of the room to the carpet that led to the altar. I heard the music starting and the doors open. It was my signal to walk inside. I walked down the aisle to see Moriah in the distance. I tried to focus on her.

As I got halfway down the aisle, I looked over at the wizard who I was suppose to marry. He was tall and handsome. He had platinum blond hair and grey eyes. I recognized the eyes. I was surprised and shocked.


Draco's point of view....

I saw the filthy muggle girl walk down the aisle. I had to admit that she was very beautiful in terms of her body.. She was small in height but, she had very nice curves. Her hair was wavy and over her shoulders. I could tell that she looked extremely nervous.

She had a veil on so that I couldn't see her face. I was imagining that she was ugly. Soon, she was near me. I gave out my hand to her and she accepted my hand. I guided her up to the altar in front of Minister Shacklebolt.

"We are here today to join these two in matrimony. Draco Malfoy and Selene Wideacre," the minister said to everyone. {That name sound so familiar.} He asked if anyone object to the match. Nobody dared to answer back to him. I could feel the girl shaking from my hand. {Is she nervous? Is she scared?}

Marriage to a Wizard (Draco Malfoy Love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora