Chapter 5: Paris and Family

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Disclaimer: everything besides Selene and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.



We spent two hours in the pool before it was time for lunch. Draco got me to float in the water. I had to learn how to trust him. He was a good and patient teacher. He held me most of the time so that I didn't drown or anything.

We were in the dining room having our lunch. "We should go out to walk around the city," he told me. "You mean...magical areas of the city," I corrected him. He gave me a nod. "I want to widen your knowledge of my world," he told me. I gave him a nod.

After lunch, we got dressed to go outside. I still wasn't used to wearing upperclass clothes. Draco and I flooed to a magical community area that Draco knew in Paris. The whole time, he had his arm wrapped around my shoulder to protect me.

I saw many interesting things. They were a bit different than Diagon Alley. The items had more elegance to them. We walked into bookstores, broom shop, and many other places. It was a very different experience.

We walked into Madam Borboleta Candies Ltd. It had so many sweet treats. Some of the candies looked very interesting. "This is what the store is known for," Draco pointed out to me. It was Sugared Butterfly Wings.

I picked up the container. "These aren't made with real butterfly wings.....right?" I asked him. I saw a smile form on his face. "They are actually," he confirmed to me. I quickly set the can down on the shelf.

Draco laughed a bit. "Don't worry, they are actually good," he told me. He picked up the container from the shelf. "I'm not eating that. You can enjoy it yourself," I told him. I walked around the shop some more.

I saw Acid Pops, Blood-flavored lollipops, fudge flies, and Jelly Slugs. "I don't think I am ever going to want to eat candies again," I said to him. Some stuff made me feel sick to my stomach. Draco walked me to some other sweets. "Chocolate frogs, Cauldron Cakes, and Pumpkin Pasties are what I grew up with," he told me.

I watched him pick up a box. "These are well known in the wizard world. It's called Bertie Bott's Ever Flavor Beans," he told me. He placed the box in my hands. "Something tells me that there is more to it," I said to him.

"You can taste every flavor from apple to trout," he told me. {Yuck.} I gave him the box. "No thank you," I told him. He placed the box back on the shelf. I walked around the more to find something normal.

I found some Crystalized Pineapples and Glacial Snow Flakes. "These look normal," I said to Draco. I picked the boxes. "Let's pay for them," he told me. We walked to the cashier. We paid for the Sugared Butterfly Wings, Crystalized Pineapples, and Glacial Snow Flakes.

I took the bag and we walked out of the shop and walked around some more. We walked into several different clothing stores. I tried on different clothes. They were suggested by the designers and professionals.

"We have to try another dress," the designer told me. I looked at Draco. "Do I have to? We already bought enough clothes to last me a lifetime," I told him. "Just one more dress and we'll go home. I promise," he told me.

I gave him a nod. The next dress was the last dress. We bought it and flooed back home. A house elf came in front of us. "Hello Master Malfoy," he said to us. "Take our clothes to our room," he ordered the thing. "Yes. Master," he said to him.

Draco took my hand and walked me to the garden. We had tea surrounded by flowers. I wanted to know about something.

"How was Hogwarts? I have a feeling that you got into Slytherin," I said to him. Draco set his cup on the table. He frowned and didn't look too good. {Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.} "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," I told him quickly.

He shook his head. "I was a bully at Hogwarts. Kids would be afraid of me except for the Gryffindors. I was a Seeker up to my fifth year. I loved potion class until my fifth year. In my sixth year, my whole life changed," he told me. I saw him shaking. I got worried.

I got up from my seat and had his head rest on my chest. I felt him grab onto me. "It's okay. You don't have to say anymore," I whispered to him. I remembered Moriah telling me about death eaters and the Malfoy's involvement. It was partially the reason why we were married.

I held him until he had calmed down.

After a while, he let me go. I looked down to see that he had calmed down. "Sorry," he apologized. "It's okay," I told him.


I was looking out of the window. The lights of the city were very beautiful. I couldn't stop looking. It was an amazing first day of our honeymoon. I learned so much. Excitement was running through my body for tomorrow.

I felt arms around my waist. I turned my head a bit to see Draco. "What are you doing wife?" he asked me. I gave him a smile. "Looking at the lights," I said to him. He leaned his head down and kissed me on the lips.

After a few seconds, we pulled apart. "Let's go to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day," he told me. I gave him a nod. He took my bathrobe off to reveal my nightgown. My nightgown pretty much was short and revealed cleavage that I was not really used to but, I gotten used to it.

I got inside the bed and Draco held me close to him.

Next day.......

We got up together and spent time in the library, Draco was showing me books on his family. Turned out, he had french ancestry. "My ancestor Armand Malfoy was the one who founded the Malfoy family in Britain and founded the family estate. He is originally from France," he explained to me as we looked through the shelves of books.

{It makes sense that you would have some kind of property in France.} Draco stopped in front of a large book. He pulled the book and walked over to a big comfy chair. He sat down and gestured me to come over.

One I stood in front of him, pulled me to sit on his lap and set the book on my legs. I opened the book to see some moving drawings inside. "That is my ancestor Armand Malfoy," Draco told me. It was a drawing of Armand with William the Conqueror.

I turned the page to see Nicholas Malfoy. After Nicholas, I turned  the page to see Lucius Malfoy I. "I guess your father was named after him." Draco gave me a nod. I read that he was the reason why Elizabeth I never got married.

Then, I turned the page to see Brutus Malfoy. I was thinking that he was the reason why the Malfoys hated muggles. He said that associating with muggles made witches and wizards weak. I wondered if I was making Draco a weak wizard.

I turned the page to see Septimus Malfoy. He was an advisor to the Minister for Magic. Soon, I turned the pages to see Abraxas Malfoy. "That's my grandfather," Draco pointed out to me. I read the page to see that he had died of dragon pox.

"What's Dragon pox?" I asked him. "It's a nasty disease. Your skin turns green, sparks come out of your nose when you sneeze, pockmarks, rashes, and it's fatal," he told me. "'s almost like smallpox or chicken pox...except the sparks and green skin," I said to him.

"Did you have it before?" he asked me with concern. "You mean chicken pox? I did as a kid. I won't be getting it again. It only happens once," I assured him. He let out a sigh of relief. "That's good to know," he told me.

I closed the book. "Soon, your father will be in this book and you too," I said to him. He took the book and placed it on the table. "You too," he told me as he wrapped his arms around me. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Why? I'm not special to be in the book. I'm a muggle remember," I reminded him. "What did I say about calling yourself not special and a muggle," he told me. I couldn't get the idea out of my head. It was a fact. I was a normal muggle.

"Sorry," I apologized. He gently pushed me away enough to look at him. "You are special to me. You are my best friend and my wife," he said to me. I gave him a nod. He pulled me towards him and kissed me.

He really made me feel special.

Few days later.....

Even though our honeymoon was short, I had a really good time. I got to have fun in Paris and learn about the Malfoy family with Draco's help. Draco was a great husband so far. He never left my side the whole time.

We had flooed to Malfoy Manor to see someone standing before us.

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