Chapter 9: Reunited

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Disclaimer: everything besides Selene and her family belong to J. K. Rowling.

Post by request



It had been a couple months since I had received any letters from him. I tried not to worry about him. He had good reasons to not write letters to me. I rather have him focus on his school work. It would be worth it.

Narcissa had been coming to the manor more often. Sometimes, we would go to Diagon Alley to shop at different clothing stores. She would buy me new clothes to wear even though I really didn't have reasons to wear them.

I was in the garden enjoying some tea waiting as usual.


I looked up to see an owl coming towards me with a letter in his beak. The owl landed on the table without knocking over my tea cup. I took the letter and the owl flew off somewhere. Immediately, I opened the letter and started to read it.

Dear Selene,

How are you? I hope that you are in good health. Mother had told me that you have been depressed lately. I'm sorry for that. I have been doing great. My studies have been keeping me busy again. I'm sorry for having you wait for a letter from me. I have to tell you something very important.

I am graduating in three days.

Three more days until I can see your beautiful face. I have sent a letter to my mother about having you come to Hogwarts to watch me graduate. Mother will pick you up. Also, I was hoping to give you a little tour of Hogwarts. I really want to show you where I learned my magic.

Until then, wait a little love my love. I love you.

Love Draco.

"He's graduating....he's come home."

I felt tears falling and a smile on my face. Draco was finally coming home from Hogwarts. I couldn't wait to see him. I got a piece of parchment and started to write a quick letter to him.

Dear Draco,

I am so happy to hear from you. I can't wait to see you and the school that you have learned your magic from. Your letter really made my day. I'll see you in three days.

Love Selene

I sealed the letter and gave the letter to his owl. The owl flew out of the window. "Just three more days."

Three days later....

I was in my room getting ready to see Draco. Narcissa wasn't at the manor yet. I was wearing black skinny jeans, high heal boots, and a black trench coat. I curled my hair to be wavy at the bottom. I didn't use much makeup.

"I guess this will do," I said to myself. 


I walked over to the door and opened it to see a house elf, Plank. "Mistress Malfoy is here for you young Mistress Malfoy," he said to me. "Lead me to her please," I said to him. "Yes young mistress," he said and led me to the living room.

Narcissa saw me walk into the room with a smile on her face. "Hello Selene. Ready to go to Hogwarts?" she asked me. I gave her a smile. "Yes," I told her. We walked into the fireplace and held my hand.

I remembered Draco telling me that nobody could apparate into Hogwarts. Soon, we flooed to Hogwarts. I saw a nice office that was filled with books and strange looking artifacts. I walked out of the fireplace to see the familiar grey eyes.

Tears started to form in my eyes. "Draco," I said in a bit of disbelief. He gave me a smile and walked over to me. "Hello Selene," he said to me. He embraced me tightly. It had been months since I had seen him.

"I missed you," I said to him. "I missed you too," I heard him say to me. I pulled away from him to see him smiling down at me. He wiped the tears away. I turned my head to see Narcissa giving us a smile.

Draco looked at her. "Hello mother," he said to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hello Draco. I'm so happy to be here to see you graduate," she told him. "Me too," he told him. I was happy to be here to see him graduate too.

"Hello. Welcome to Hogwarts."

I turned my head to see an elderly lady with a witches hat on her head. Draco placed a hand on my small back and guided me to her. "Professor McGonagall. This is my wife, Selene. Selene, this is professor McGonagall, headmistress of Hogwarts and my former Transfiguration professor," he introduced us to each other. 

She gave me a smile. "Nice to meet you my dear. I have heard much about you from Mr. Malfoy. I see now the reason why he changed so much," she said to me. "Nice to meet you too," I said to her and gave her a smile.

She gave me a nod. "Now, Mr. Malfoy, please step forward please," she said to her. Draco let me go and took a step forward. I watch Professor McGonagall give Draco his diploma. "Congratulations Mr. Malfoy. You graduated from Hogwarts," she told him.

He gave her a smile. "Thank you Professor," he said and shook her hand. I was very happy to see that he graduated. It brought me flashbacks from when I graduated from school. It made me feel that I had achieved something.

Draco turned around and gave me a hug. I hugged him back. "You did it. I'm so proud of you," I said to him. He pulled away from me a bit and gave me a kiss that I had missed for so long. I heard a flash of a camera.

Draco and I pulled away and looked at Narcissa who had took a picture of us. "Congratulations Draco," Narcissa said and gave him a hug. "Thank you mother," he said to her. Draco looked at me and held my hand.

"Ready for a tour?" he asked me. I gave hi ma nod. Draco turned his head to Professor McGonagall. "I'm going to give her a tour now," he said to her. "Alright Mr. Malfoy," she said to him. Draco walked me out of the office and out to the school.

"Are there classes today?" I asked him. "Yes. Everyone are in class right now," he told me. We walked down the long hallways and to the stairs. I saw the stairs move. "These stairs move at certain times so you have to remember when to go down or up," he told me.

We walked down the stairs and down to a dark hallway. It was cold too. Soon, we walked up to a stone wall. "Pureblood," Draco said out loud. I watched the stone wall reveal a doorway. We walked inside to see a very dark room with a green glow.

"This is the common room of Slytherin," he told me. I walked around to see that it reminded me of Malfoy Manor a bit. I walked around until I stood in front of a huge portrait of a man who had black hair and very light skin.

Draco stood next to me. "Hello Professor Snape," Draco said to the portrait. I watched the portrait move. "Hello Draco," he said to him. "Professor Snape was my godfather. He died in the battle," Draco told me. {Oh.}

"I would like you to meet my wife Selene who is a muggle," Draco told him. Professor Snape looked at me. "How do you do," he said in a monotone. I gave him a smile. "It's nice to meet you Professor Snape. Draco told me so much about you," I said to him.

{What does he think of me?}

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