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And here is.....



Hi AwkwardTime! What's your real name?

>>My real name is Cheyenne. It is pronounced Shy-En. You may all call me Chey[Shy], if you would like.

How old are you?

>>I will be fifteen years of age on December 26th.

Don't worry, I won't stalk you but, where do you live?

>>I live in Canada, but not a well-known place.

What's your favourite book that you've written?

>>That I've written? Oh, gosh, it would probably have to be either Finding Serenity or The Differents.

Are you currently working on anything new? If so, got any spoilers for us?

>>I have a new novel idea in the works, yes, but you'll all just have to wait and see for it to come out! It will, as most of my books, be a Fantasy genre and it will revolve around a set of fraternal twins; Rae and Asher Smith. Keep an eye out!

What inspired you to start writing?

>>Gosh, I can't remember. From the time I could speak and read I loved words; the way they flow together in a sentence and the way you can add emphasis on different parts. It just all seems to magical to me. I've loved to read different author's work and try to match my style of writing with theirs if I fancied it. I think one of the things that inspired me to begin writing was being forced to do so in English when I was in fourth grade; I didn't like it at first, but eventually I became so enveloped into it that I would stay inside during recess and just write.

Who's your favorite author and what do you like about them?

>>Oh, gosh, I think one of my all-time favourite authors would have to be the lovely S.E.Hinton; I have read every single one of her books and have not found one that I didn't like. It's the same way with John Green and J.K.Rowling; their style of writing and their different novel ideas are just so inspiring and amazing.

Favorite Book?

>>Oh, my god. Let's see... I'm currently reading the The Immortals series by Alyson Noel, and those, I must say, are amazing. They're written in present tense, which from experience, I know is a very difficult thing to accomplish. I do have a list of favourite books, though: -The Outsiders by S.E.Hinton -Holes by Louis Sachar -Looking for Alaska by John Green -The Fault in Our Stars by John Green -The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky -The Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling

Do you base characters on people in real life?

>>Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. None of you know me very well, but all of my characters have at least one of my personality traits within them. Esra from The Differents is very smart; Camilla from Covered in Flames is a pyromaniac; Carlotta from Finding Serenity is damaged; et cetera.

Where do you like to read books?

>>Anywhere, really. When I'm reading, I'm focusing in on the words and how they form, and I'm playing the images in my head; it doesn't matter if there is noise around me because I can easily block it out. Sometimes that isn't a very good thing, though, because you become so enveloped into what you're reading that you don't notice your surroundings and you could miss something very important.

If you could be anybody in a book, who would you be?

>>If I could be anybody in a book. . . I seriously have no clue. I'd probably be--if I absolutely had to choose--Ever Bloom from Alyson Noel's The Immortals series. She's intuitive, smart, clumsy, et cetera; all things that I can be.

Okay, enough about books. What is your greatest accomplishment in life?

>>Right now? Oh, crud. Um, right now my greatest accomplishment would probably be the fact that I'm come out of my shyness shell and I'm spreading my insanity everywhere. Ha-ha.

Do you have any pet peeves?

>>I have OCD tendencies, so if something is out of place, I have to fix it immediately. And if somebody says something that I think isn't at the right time or it just isn't appropriate, I will speak up; I'm not afraid to speak my mind.

What are your greatest fears?

>>Whales. I am absolutely terrified of whales. If you would like the whole story, message me on my profile.

What are your greatest qualities as a person?

>>I don't have many, but one of them would probably be the fact that I consider myself a very good student, I can write fairly well, and my other artistic abilities. I can't draw to save my life, but what I mean is that I can sing, act, and play a multitude of different musical instruments.

What's your favorite color?

>>My favourite colour would have to be either black, gold, neon pink, white, lime green, or lemon yellow.

What's a hobby you have?

>>Writing is most definitely one of my hobbies, but I also sing and act in my spare time. Singing is one of the things that I've done ever since I knew I could when I was a tot; I absolutely love it.

What's one thing you like most about yourself?

>>Oh, I don't really...like...most things about myself, but if I had to choose one, I would choose my eyes; they're a beautiful brown.

What are your flaws?

>>My flaws? Hmm, probably my Autism; I have a High-Functioning Autism called Asperger's Syndrome. Although, I don't see it as much of a flaw, because I like it; it makes me who I am today. So, one of my flaws would probably be the fact that I'm not the size I would like to be.

What is your favorite TV show(s)?

>>Hmm, I enjoy fantasy and Sci-Fi ones, for sure. -Supernatural -The Walking Dead -Ghost Adventures -Celebrity Ghost Stories -Paranormal Witness -Rescue Mediums -The Voice -Baby Daddy -and more~

What advice do you give to people who are writers?

>>I just tell them to write whatever the hell they fancy; it doesn't have to be perfect at all. Just pick up a pen, or your keyboard, and write with reckless abandon. You'd be surprised what you pull out of your mind when you think about it. Write now, edit later, answer questions, take criticism, use the Dictionary and a Thesaurus because they are life savers, don't plagiarize, and be happy with the finished work. It is your writing, and you worked hard; love it!

BONUS QUESTION: what's something you wish for

>>Ooh, a bonus. Hmm, something I wish for? Endless wishes? Nah. Um, I would probably wish to be either the size I want to be, or to be able to have Ever Bloom's psychic abilities.

Okay, well that sums up the end of our interview, so bye (AwkwardTime) thanks!


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