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Here's another author's interview to read!:)


Hi geewriter_101! What's your real name?


How old are you?

too old to believe in Santa, too young to drive

Don't worry, I won't stalk you but, where do you live?

I believe that you won't try stalking me, but I rather not disclose my location.

What's your favourite book that you've written?

Dear Reese, it's my the very first book I never deleted on Wattpad.

Are you currently working on anything new? If so, got any spoilers for us?

The beauty within, it's kinda like Sleeping beauty with a twist.

What inspired you to start writing?

My mom got me in to it.

Who's your favorite author and what do you like about them?

John Green

Favorite Book?

I am number four or The fault in our stars

Do you base characters on people in real life?


Where do you like to read books?

My room

If you could be anybody in a book, who would you be?


Okay, enough about books. What is your greatest accomplishment in life?

Ranking second in class!

Do you have any pet peeves?

I've got a lot. But mostly people who reads books aloud

What are your greatest fears?


What are your greatest qualities as a person?

According to my friends,I'm smart, nice, trustworthy, and funny.

What's your favorite color?

Purple or pink (sometimes red)

What's a hobby you have?

Reading, writing, and listening to music

What's one thing you like most about yourself?

My ability to instantly remember names, my awesome wits, and my weird fascination with history and theories.

What are your flaws?

My poor eyesight and jumping into conclusions.

What is your favorite TV show(s)?

Ancient aliens and America's book of secrets (Yeah, I'm like that kind of stuff)

What advice do you give to people who are writers?

Read different kind of books because every writer was first a reader.

BONUS QUESTION: if you could invent any word, what would it be and why?

Fantaboulous! No reason, I just like it.

Okay, well that sums up the end of our interview, so bye geewriter_101 thanks!


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