Visiting the 'Rents

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So, even though our plan to have a little morning fun didn't work, we decided to just try again after dinner with my parents. Hey, we hadn't seen each other in a year. I'm pretty sure we deserved to have some fun!

We arrived at my parents' house at half past four to help with dinner. Josh and Sophia always loved helping them cook, so it kept them busy and out of trouble.

I walked outside to get some fresh air; I couldn't handle the strong scent of whatever they were cooking in there. Josh followed behind me.

"Everything alright, Emily?" he asked, pulling me in for a hug.

I nodded. "Yeah. I just needed some fresh air." I walked toward the porch swing, swinging back and forth to relax myself. "Sit with me, babe." He did so and swung with me. "I just hope it can handle the both of us. I don't want to fall on my butt."

He laughed. "Don't worry, I'm here to catch you if that-" Just then, the kids ran towards us, sitting on the swing.

"Daddy, swing the swing, please!" they pleaded. "We wanna swing!"

Josh proceeded to swinging a little harder, which turned out to be a bad idea. We all screamed "Uh oh!" as the swing's roped teared apart, taking the swing, and us, to the cold hard ground. Is this the right time for I Knew You Were Trouble to suddenly start playing?

We all laughed surprisingly; thank god the swing wasn't too far from the ground or we might've had to take a trip to the hospital.

"Mommy, what's that?" asked Sophia, pointing to my old treeehouse. I'm surprised that thing's still there after five years of not being used.

"That's Mommy's treehouse. We had some really fun times in there, didn't we babe?" Josh winked. If Josh and Sophia develop a dirty mind, you know where they get it from...

"Did you play superheroes? And dollies? And-" I stopped Sophia before she could go on.

"Yes sweety, we played a lot of games while we were up there." She stared at me for a minute, then got up and walked into the house, taking her brother along with her.

I looked over at Josh, who was laughing to himself. "What? We did play around while we were up there!" I rolled my eyes. "Come on, let's get dinner." I nodded and walked inside once I got up off the ground. 

My dad came in with a huge plate of spaghetti. "Dig in, everyone!"


After dinner, I decided it would be good for us to go home and let my parents rest, but not before something.

I'm not sure how we did it, but Josh and I sneaked in a little quick fun while my parents and the kids were watching a movie. I had to go to the bathroom, while Josh wanted to take a quick nap, so he slept in my old room. When I got out of the bathroom, he pulled me into the room.

It only took about ten minutes for my mom to become suspicious, walking up the stairs to check on us. We were just about done having fun, so we quickly got dressed and I told Josh to pretend he was taking a nap while I casually looked through old pictures stuffed in my closet. When my mom opened the door, she looked surprised. I waved an old picture at her and she closed the door.

Man, that was a close call, right? Nothing worse than having your mom walk in on you doing the dirty, huh? Alright, enough of this.

We got home, Josh and Sophia already asleep since the middle of the ride back. They were like little balls of energy, but I guess it had to burn out sometime soon.

I put them to bed, giving them both a quick kiss on the forehead. They didn't move a slight bit.

Josh came into the room, resting one hand on either bed of theirs. "Five years old already. They're growing up so fast." He let out a sigh. "I hate the fact that I've missed a lot of their lives. It feels as if they're going to be off for college soon, and I won't be there with them."

I walked over to him and rested my head on his shoulder. "You'll be here every step of the way, just like me. Remember, we're going to get through this. Together."

"Together." He took my hand in his and softly kissed it. "What did I ever do to deserve such an amazing wife?"

"Well, your looks really stood out," I started as he smirked a bit, "but you won me over. I could never find anyone as perfect as you, Mr. Devine."

"Mr. Devine? I like the sound of that..."

"Well then. Mr. Devine, how's a trip to the zoo tomorrow sound? The kids have been wanting to go for the past few days, but I wanted to wait until you got here."

"Well..." Just then, the kids got up and tackled us.

"The zoo! The zoo!"

Josh couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, we'll go, but you'll need to get some rest, so off to bed!" And as if by magic, they got under the covers and fell asleep in an instant. Heck, not even I can do that!

"Now Mommy and Daddy have to get some rest." I took Josh's hand and led him to our room, getting into bed. 

"Is it okay if I invite the guys to come, too? They're leaving the day after tomorrow, and Liam told me they want to spend more time with us." I nodded, slowly drifting off to sleep.

The last words I heard before dozing off to Dreamland were, "I love you so much. I don't deserve to have you by my side."


3 votes until 40! Eeeep! :D

Also, I'll be updating on Mondays from now on! Maybe an extra update here and there once in a while :)

Vote, comment, all that stuff! Love you guys so much! :D xx

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