New Home, Woo Hoo?

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I've gotta admit, the apartment management chose for Francisco and I seemed pretty cozy. It didn't seem as an apartment, considering it was so big. There was a fireplace in the living room, there were two bedrooms, and even a gym room. Shouldn't this count as a house or something? Meh, I don't know...

"Let's go get ready for bed?" Francisco asked. "I already got the bed ready for us whenever you'd like to sleep."

"Wait a minute, for us? Don't you mean for you?"

He shook his head. "We have to convince everyone that we're an actual couple, so why not act like it?" He tried to hold my hand, but I swung it around my back. "What's wrong?"

"Look, we only have to convince everyone that we're a couple, but we don't have to act like it when we're alone. I'm going to take the other bedroom, got it?"

"But there isn't a bed in that one," he argued.

"I've got blankets and pillows. Sleeping on the floor is just as comfy. Trust me, I've done it many times."

"Whatever you say, but let's send the Twitter world a little picture of us going to bed together. Once we take it, you can go to sleep in the bedroom with the bed and I'll sleep on the floor, got it?" I nodded. "Go do what you have to and I'll be waiting, then."

I walked to the living room to grab the stuff I would need to get ready for bed. Toothbrush and toothpaste? Check. Pajamas? Check. Fluffly slippers shaped like bunnies? Check!

I was about to go to the bathroom to get ready when I got a look at Francisco getting ready for bed. I may or may not have seen him wearing just boxers...

Quickly shaking my head to get back to what I had to do, I opened the bathroom door and began to get ready for bed. Once I finished, I left my toothbrush and toothpaste next to the bathroom sink and ran to the bedroom, jumping on the bed.

"Hey, watch it!" Francisco yelled.

"Let's just take the picture so I can go to sleep, yeah? I'm so tired from today."

"Fine, come closer. This isn't gonna work if you're going to stay standing on the bed." I layed down next to him, putting my head on his shoulder. "Ready? One, two..."

I smiled for the camera, ready to take the picture, but he wouldn't take it. "What's taking you so-" I stopped what I had to say and turned around to see him facing me.

"Have I told you that you're really pretty?"

"Have I told you that I'm married to a wonderful guy and you shouldn't try to flirt with his wife?"

"I'm not flirting; you being pretty is a fact. I just thought I'd let you know."

"Oh... Well, thanks. I guess you're not pretty bad yourself," I replied.

He laughed and grabbed his phone in the position to take a picture. "Come on, let's just get this over with!"

"Wait! Let's make a silly face!" I said excitedly.

"Tongue out and a wink?"

"You read my mind!" We giggled and made the face to the camera. "Can I see it?"

"Here." Francisco handed me his phone and I looked for the picture.

"Oh my god, I look so weird!" I yelled, looking at the picture. I couldn't help but laugh at how silly we looked. "You are not tweeting that."

"Watch me," he said, raising an eyebrow. "Oh look, I can tweet it with one simple click!"

"If you tweet that, I'm going to kill you."

"Try to stop me!" He ran towards the living room and I closed the door. "Hey, you locked me out!"

"I'm sleepy! Goodnight!"


I woke up bright and early to go to my actual home and see the kids. It was 6:43 when I woke up... Next to Francisco...?

"Francisco!" I yelled.

"What's going on? Is something wrong? Did someone break in? Why are you yelling?"

"Why are you asking so many questions? I'm the one who should be questioning you right now!"

"Questioning me about what?"

"Oh, maybe about the fact that you're sleeping next to me! I thought we agreed to sleep in separate bedrooms, you douche!"

"Douche? You're really trying to insult me right now?" I nodded. "I'm here because you were panicking in the middle of the night. I heard you practically yell in your sleep, so I came in here to comfort you until you were okay. I guess I fell asleep, though..."

I let out a sigh. "Thank you; that was very sweet of you. Now, can you leave so I can get changed?"

"Aww, don't I get to enjoy the show?" He smirked, causing me to throw a pillow at his face.

I stood and picked the pillow up from the floor. "The only show you're going to see is me dragging you out of the room and onto the street."

"Fine, I'll leave." He stood and was about to open the door, when he turned back towards me. "Wait, where are you going? I thought we had to play the part for the paparazzi today."

I shook my head. "I didn't get to talk to my kids and explain why their mother didn't sleep at home with them last night. I need to go see them today, but if anything happens, please don't tell Harvey and Laura. They'll go cuckoo bananas if they find out I'm not around you 24/7."

He nodded and closed the door. "Want anything for breakfast, by the way?" I heard him yell from the kitchen.

"Nope, I'm in a hurry today! Thanks anyway!"

A/N: Oh my god I'm so sorry for the super duper late update but I've been so busy and I really didn't feel like writing too much. But I'm back! Woo hoo!

Enjoy the chapter! Think we can beat 12 votes from the last chapter? ;) I do! Thank you! Love you! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2014 ⏰

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