Lights, Camera, Action

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Today was the day of the press conference. The day I'd have to confirm a fake affair between Niall and I. The day I'd have to announce I would be getting a "divorce" from Josh. The day I announce I have been and will be "dating" Francisco Lachowski.

If it wasn't for Josh convincing me to do this with a two-hour speech about how it would benefit us, I wouldn't do it. I'm a terrible liar, and I know a lot of people are going to hate me for all of this.

I'm not only going to be making a fool of myself, but Josh, as well. Once people believe I was having a couple of affairs, it's going to seem as if I've never loved him, when I really do love him with all my heart.

In all my thinking, I didn't notice the one and only Lachowski sent me a text.

Lachowski: Put your best acting face on, it's almost showtime.

To Lachowski: Let's just get this over with already.

I walked into the building and was led to a small, but full, room by a security guard. Josh and the boys were sitting in the front row, as they were told to by Laura, wording things to help me relax and stay calm. The rest of the room was filled with paps, waiting to get the scoop on the latest drama for their magazines.

Well, they're going to have a lot to write about after this press conference...

I took a seat next to Francisco and looked down at my phone, going over what I would have to say when the press questioned me about the situation.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Emily Devine," said the woman standing at the podium. 

She took a seat behind me, leaving me at the podium to answer questions. "Um, does anybody have any questions you'd like me to answer?" In an instant, about ten hands shot up. "Okay, you first," I said, pointing to a lady in the second row. 

He stood up and turned on his tape recorder. "Hi, I'm from J-14 magazine. Our readers would like to know when your first album will be in stores, and what it will be titled, if you can reveal that information."

I cleared my throat. "It's going to be out in a few weeks and it will be self-titled. That is, until I actually come up with a real title for it." The whole room let out a laugh, which helped me calm down a bit. "Alright, next?"

I pointed at a teenage girl in the back row. "Hi Emily, I'm your biggest fan!"

That instantly put a smile on my face. "Aw, why thank you! Is there any question you'd like me to answer?"

She thought for a few seconds. "What made you want to post covers on YouTube and become a singer?" 

"I was actually dared to post a cover on YouTube by one of my friends, so it was basically her fault why I'm in all of this. Some of the people from my school saw it and told me it was really good, so I thought, 'Hey, I should give this a try...', which is when I posted my second cover. I kept posting covers one by one and kept getting positive comments, but I stopped when I didn't pass my audition for America's Got Talent. Josh dug up those old covers and showed them to Simon, and that's when I realized I wanted to be a singer full-time."

"Wow, that's awesome!" she yelled before sitting down. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. Anybody else?"

I pointed at a man in the third row, who I assumed was from E, considering he was wearing a cap and a shirt with the logo. Well, here comes the moment I was dreading...

"Bobby Williams from E!. What can you tell us about the rumors between you and Niall?"

I let out a sigh. "I can tell you that... That they are true. I was having an affair with Niall, and we were being touchy as Ryan and Giuliana said the other day on E! News." I felt like crying, but I had to hold in my tears. "That rumor is, unfortunately, one hundred percent true."

"What about the one between you and Louis?"

"That one is not true. I told him to get me the number to E! and say the rumors about Niall and I weren't true, but now that you know the truth, I won't try to clear them or deny them." He nodded and sat down. "Next."

"Over here!" yelled a short, thin lady. "I'm Elizabeth, from People magazine. What is going to happen between you and Josh now that you've admitted to having an affair? What about your kids?"

I could barely handle answering these questions now, but I knew I had to. "I'm sad to say we're going to be filing for divorce. During the process, we'll continue to live together, as a family. I can't leave my kids for more than a minute, and neither can Josh, so we decided to do it for them."

"If you were really thinking about your kids, you wouldn't have done anything to risk your marriage," she said, causing the atmosphere to become a little more tense.

"I was selfish; I was only thinking about myself when I did what I did wrong. I admit to that, but I just can't be married to Josh anymore. It would be better for our kids not to see us argue all the time because of all this." The words hurt when they escaped my mouth; I felt as if I was punched in the stomach. "Anymore questions?"

Bobby Williams stood up to ask another question. "Will you continue seeing Niall, or do you have someone else in mind?"

"I... I will not. What happened between Niall and I is now in the past, and I have moved on... to someone else."

"Who?!" everybody in the room yelled.

"Me," said Francisco, walking up to me and wrapping his arm around my waist. "Right, honey bunches?" I told him not to use those damn chessy nicknames...

I nodded. "We met a few months ago and have been seeing each other for a while now. He's the one for me." I felt a tear go down my cheek and immediately wiped it off.

"How do we know she's not lying?" yelled a man in the back row, which caused an uproar with everyone else.

"With this." I pulled Francisco closer to me and kissed him. I felt his hand go down to my butt, which helped make this all the more believable.

I let go of him and leaned on the podium, waiting for a response from everyone else in the room. They were all cheering, except for Josh and the boys. I could see the hurt and jealousy in Josh's eyes, which broke my heart. He knew none of this was true, but even though he said he wouldn't be, he was hurting about all of this inside.

"That is all for today. Thanks, folks," said the woman who had first introduced me.

Francisco took my hand and led me outside, making sure we would seem like a believable couple. Meanwhile, I took my phone out of my pocket and posted a tweet.

@EmilyDevinexox: The truth is out #Emicisco

I also texted Josh to make sure he was alright, but I doubted it.

To Joshy: I'm sorry babe. I'll be home soon xx

I received a reply not even a minute later.

Joshy: Have you thought about acting, too? It was very believable ;) I'll see you in a few xx

By the way he was joking around right now, I was sure he was acting, too. That cheeky bastard had me worried.

"We did it," said Francisco, giving me a high five. "Oh, and that kiss made it even more believable for everybody. Thanks for that." He smirked and opened the car door for me.

"Look, you're hot and all, but-"

"You think I'm hot?" he asked, looking at me with that smirk of his again.

I let out a sigh. "You know what I mean! Even though we're dating, we're not really dating. I'm married, so if there aren't any paps or cameras around us, we don't touch, kiss, or anything else."

He nodded. "Deal. Now, let's get you home before Josh thinks there actually is something happening between us and kills me."



As promised, here is another chapter! The next update will be on Monday! 

Vote, comment, and all that good stuff please! Love you all so much :) xx

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