Drama Rama

670 18 31

A love triangle involving One Direction's Niall Horan and the band's drummer!

Trouble with the band behind the band?

And we thought Harry was the womanizer!

These were just a few of the headlines making it big all over TV today. Turns out people think I'm cheating on Josh... with Niall! Can they be any more stupid?

I scrolled through each channel, but each one was the same as the last: talking about this non-existent love triangle. I literally couldn't get rid of all these headlines.

As I passed through more channels, Josh ran down the stairs toward the living room and sat next to me. "Don't worry, we'll get this all cleared up soon, babe."

"I hope so. I would never cheat on you, Josh, and seeing these people believe I would makes me upset." I placed my head in between my knees and let out all the tears I had in me. "Why would they even think something's going on between me and Niall?"

Just as Josh was going to say something, the host of a TV show on the channel I landed on answered my question. "We caught Emily and Niall being touchy at the zoo a few days ago, but they stopped when they reunited with her husband, Josh Devine."

"Touchy? Me and Niall, touchy?"

"One of our insiders took some shots of these touchy actions." Suddenly, there were four pictures on the screen of Niall hugging me, one of them being from when I tried to comfort him about his break-up. "Watch out, Josh. Someone else might be taking her home tonight."

Josh shut the TV off and threw the remote across the room. "Fucking paps never leave us alone!"

"Calm down, we'll get this cleared up. You said so yourself," I said as I attempted to get him to calm down. "This whole thing will be over before you know it."

Just then, there was a knock at the door. I went to open it and in came the boys, each of them with an annoyed expression on their face.

Niall walked up to Josh. "There's nothing going on between me and Emily. She was just trying to comfort me."

Josh gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I know there isn't. I thought they were going to leave us alone for once, but I guess not. We'll just have to keep ignoring it until it gets cleared up or people forget about it."

"I doubt anyone would forget this," said Liam. "There's always drama for us, but Niall being involved in something like this is a first."

"And it'll get your fans started up," I continued. "Some of them know the truth and won't believe this because they know you wouldn't do something like this. The others... let's just say there's going to be a lot of drama in your fandom right now."

"When isn't there drama with us?" Zayn asked sarcastically, making us all chuckle. "Either way, it'll die down soon. Don't worry about it."

We all nodded and turned our attention to our phones, sending out a few tweets.

@EmilyDevinexox#dramarama Don't believe everything you see on TV...

@NiallOfficial: #privacy ! Doesn't exist

@JoshDevineDrums: What the hell have I got to do to get some privacy on a day off??

In no less than ten seconds, we started getting replies and all sorts of questions from the fandom.

Is it true?!

This is all rubbish! We know it's not true

One in particular caught my eye and make me laugh.


I showed it to the boys and we all laughed for a bit, then getting back to figuring out how we would handle this situation.

"I got it!" yelled Louis, jumping out of his seat. "What show was the first to start this?"

"I think it was E! News, why?" I asked.

"I have the studio's phone number, and I doubt they'd reject a call from us." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed the number. "Hello? Yeah, can I speak to the hosts of E! News please? We have an urgent message for them." He turned his phone's speaker on in order for all of us to listen to what they had to say. "Alright, I think they'll put us on the air, so get straight to the point."

Just then, Ryan Seacrest's voice came through. "We're on the line with the one and only Louis Tomlinson! Say Louis, do you have anything to say about your bandmate's behavior lately?"

I took the phone from Louis's hand and put it against my ear. "Look Ryan, there is nothing going on between me and Niall. You people always misinterpret everything we do, but Niall is just my best friend!"

"Woah, it seems we have Emily Devine on the line, too. Wait, what might be the reason Emily and Louis are together? Is there a love square in between all of you?" And I thought you were sweet, Giuliana Rancic...

"Get this straight: there is nothing going on between me and Niall or me and Louis. I'm married to Josh, and I couldn't be happier. I suggest you stop trying to cause anymore problems and admit that what you're saying isn't true."

Ryan chuckled. "Turn on your TV." I quickly did as he said and saw a picture of Niall handing me the kids' gifts. "How do you explain that, Mrs. Devine?"

"Those were gifts from Niall and Liam for my kids, you idiot."

Louis took the phone from my hand and hung up. "Forget it." He shut off the TV and sat on the couch. "It'll get cleared up soon. I'm positive Simon or anyone from management will try to clear it up."

I sat next to Josh and Niall, trying to clear my head from all the drama. They both tried to comfort me as I cleared my mind and relaxed for a while.

Just as I was feeling relaxed, Liam's phone rang. "Hello? Simon?" Oh no, not this now. "Yeah, we'll be there in a few." He hung up and put his phone in his pocket. "Simon wants us to meet with him as soon as possible."


 Hey guys! Thanks so much for over 1.5K reads and 72 votes! Only the last chapter got 11, which is amazing! Think we can do that again? (;

Also, leave a comment or two down below because I'd really appreciate some feedback!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Love you all so much :) xx

A Devine Life (Josh Devine)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon