Expect the Worst

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I walked into the building and straight to Simon's office. I was really pissed off this morning, due to a lot of idiots driving that caused me to almost be in about four accidents, with Josh and Sophia in the car. Seriously, some people shouldn't be allowed on the road...

Just as I was about to turn the knob to open the door, it was opened by none other than Simon, who looked way more pissed than me.

"Emily, what you did was unacceptable," he said, slamming the door shut just as I came in. It's a good thing Josh stayed outside with the kids.

"What are you talking about? I haven't gone against the contract nor have I gotten in trouble with the paps."

"You left Mr. Lachowski waiting in his car for twenty minutes before he became frustrated and left." Am I the only one who cringed when Laura said Mr. LachowskiIt just doesn't sound right to me, I don't know...

I let out a sigh. "Do you know why I did that, Laura?" She shook her head. "I've been spending all my time with him this past month, and I'm sick of it! I haven't been able to spend any time alone with my kids or with Josh!"

Simon walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "We told you it would be a bit hard, Emily, but just a while more and your life will be back to normal."

"And to make sure that happens, we've made a few little changes," Harvey continued.

"What changes?" I asked.

Harvey and Laura looked at each other, then back at me. "Hun, you're going to live with Francisco in an apartment we've picked out for you." And to that, I fell unconcious.


I woke up in a hospital room, machines beeping and people talking quickly all around me. I remembered fainting while meeting with management, but I really don't understand why. All they did was get mad at me for blowing off Lachowski, right?

"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey," I heard Josh say in a singy-songy voice. "How do you feel?"

"Like crap," I answered. "What the hell even happened? I just remember almost throwing a fit because I got in trouble for spending time with you instead of Mr. Top Model."

"Oh, about that... Um, I don't think you remember what else management told you..."

"Is it bad? Please tell me, Josh, is it bad? What is it? Why do I have to do it? Will it affect the kids? Will-"

"Okay, babe, you can stop now," he said, covering my mouth with his hand. "Laura told me you're moving in with Francisco until they say it's fine to come back home."

I felt tears come out of my eyes. "Please tell me you're talking about my brother Francisco..." Josh shook his head. "Are you serious? That means I won't see you, I won't see the kids, and I'll have to spend the next days, propably even weeks, with him! I don't want to do this!"

Josh stood up and let me cry on his shoulder as he patted my back. "Don't worry, it's only for a while. You're still going to see the kids everyday and we'll spend as much time as we could together. You know I won't leave you alone. As much as I hate having to go through this, I'll help to get your life back to normal."

"I'll do it, but I want to see the kids before I leave. I have to explain all of this to them and I know they're going to be sad. It's going to break my heart having to tell them."

"Right now, don't think about that. The doctor told me to call him once you woke up so he can discharge you, so let me go find him."

He walked out of the room and came back a few minutes later with the doctor. I had fainted because I was shocked by the news. That was weird, considering I had gotten worse news in my life and never fainted then, but I guess it was a bit more serious.

Once I signed all the paperwork, Josh led me to the car to drive me home. I was supposed to pack up some stuff for the next few days and have Francisco pick me up. Yay, right?

I quickly packed a backpack full of necessities and made my way to talk to the kids, but they were asleep.

"I don't want to wake them, so I'll stop by tomorrow to talk to them," I told Josh as I stepped out the doorway. "I just hope it'll be done soon. I'm going to miss sleeping next to you at night and reading to the kids before bed. It's going to feel like an eternity before I come back."

"Don't worry, Em, we'll see each other everyday, even if we're not sleeping in the same bed. We'll call every night before bed to wish you a good night and sweet dreams." He gave me a quick kiss. "Now, go run along before management starts throwing a fit."

I giggled. "I love you, Joshy. I'll be back soon." I waved goodbye and walked toward Francisco, who was holding the car door open for me.

He shut the door and backed out of the driveway slowly. I was trying my best not to cry or show signs of being too upset because I didn't want Josh to be worrying about me 24/7. I just waved and smiled as big as I could until I couldn't see him anymore.

I played with the bracelets on my arm to distract myself, when I received a picture message on my phone.

From Josh: I miss you already xx

Attached to the message was a picture of him pulling the puppy-dog sad face, looking as cute as ever! 

I let out a sigh. These next few days -or even weeks- were going to be tough without him...


It's been a while since I've updated, eh? I'm sorry about that, but it's my senior year, so updates will come less often!

Meanwhile, how about some votes and comments for the new chapter? ;)

Love you guys so much! :)

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