We're Going to the Zoo

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"We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo! How about you, you, you?" We ended up going to the zoo and while I played the kids' CD in the car, this song came up. It was perfect for this situation, but utterly annoying. But, as long as it kept them busy, I guess I could put up with it.

Josh, the kids and I took my car while Zayn, Marilyn, Louis, and Harry rode together in Zayn's car. Niall and Liam were going to join us later because they had something to do.

I looked at the GPS beside me. We were only twenty minutes away from the zoo. I was actually pretty excited about it, especially about seeing the koalas. They're just too cute!

"Are we there yet?" Sophia asked. "I wanna see the monkeys!"

Josh turned to face her. "You wanna see a monkey?" She nodded, which is when Josh proceeded to making monkey sounds and jumping up and down his seat. 

"I have a monkey as a husband? No wonder all the bananas disappear so quickly!" He gave me a cheeky smile and turned back to the kids.

"Hey Soph, did you know that Mommy's a monkey too?" She gasped, making me laugh slightly. "When you tickle her, she makes monkey sounds!"

I stopped his hand from reaching my body before he could do anything. "If I get into an accident because you tickle me, you're buying me a new car." He crossed his arms and pouted.

So did Sophia a minute later. "You're no fun!" she yelled, sticking out her tongue a moment later. Josh did so too, which caused me to do the same thing back to them. "That's not nice!"

The rest of the ride basically consisted of these little fights, even five minutes after I had parked the car. Once we had gotten everything settled down, we met the others at the zoo entrance.

 "Alright, everyone ready?" I asked; they all nodded in response. "Let's go!"


 We were all getting bored really quick after a while. Zayn and Marilyn had gone who knows where while Louis, Harry and Josh went to get a few snacks, leaving me alone with the kids. Until Liam and Niall had arrived... in disguises...

Niall looked like a greaser with his disguise, matching the whole thing with a ridiculous mustache. Liam looked like a skater boy, topping his outfit off with a snapback. I bet the girls would go crazy seeing them as they are now.

After I finished eyeing them up and down (there's a difference between eyeing them and checking them out), I gave Niall a hug. I was about to give Liam a hug when the kids begged him to take them to see the tigers. Meh, oh well...

"Where are the others?" Niall asked, searching around for them.

"They went to grab a bite to eat. They should be back soon. Meanwhile, tell me what's been going on. It feels like we haven't talked in a long time!" I gave him a side hug. He's been like a best friend to me ever since Josh and I got together. You know, aside from Marilyn.

We spent the next twenty minutes talking about their last tour and everything Modest was planning for their next tour. He also told me Simon and Modest wanted to meet with me soon to talk about getting my first album out and starting a U.S. tour. It might not seem as much, but hey, it's something.

"So, how are things with you and Ella?" Ella was Niall's girlfriend, who he was desperately in love with.

He let out a sigh. "We broke up yesterday..."

"Aww Ni, I'm so sorry." I pulled him into a hug and tried comforting him. "Why did you break up? You seemed like such a happy couple."

"She told me I wouldn't make enough time to spend together, but how can I when my life is hectic? She knew she wouldn't see me much, and I told her to join us on tour, but she didn't want to." He made his hands into fists and got even more upset. "I was going to surprise her yesterday by visiting her, and that's when I found out she was cheating on me with one of her co-workers."

"You're too good for her, Niall. You deserve a girl who will understand that you have a hectic life, and respect that. Don't worry, you'll find your perfect girl soon."

He wiped a tear that was trying to escape his eye and smiled wide. "You know what? You're right. I will find my perfect girl soon, but meanwhile, I'm gonna see the koalas!"

"Wait for me!" I shouted as I ran behind him. When we got to the koalas, we found the rest of the gang. "Alright, we're all together, so let's have some fun!" 


We left the zoo just before closing time, getting to see everyone animal you can think of. The kids fell asleep an hour before, which surprised me because they usually don't fall asleep until one in the morning. 

"I'll get the kids into their seats and everything ready." I nodded and gave Josh everything that needed to be put in the car.

I walked over to Niall and Liam to say goodbye. "Thanks for joining us, guys. It seemed the kids had a lot of fun with you guys around. They really missed you."

"We missed them too, which is why we got them a little something." Niall opened the passenger door and handed me two gift bags. "We stopped to get them something before we got here."

I smiled and pulled them both in for a hug. "Thanks so much, guys. Have a safe drive home." They nodded and waved goodbye while I walked back to the car and put the gift bags in the trunk. "Niall and Liam got the kids something."

"How sweet of them. I guess they'll open them once they wake up." Josh closed the trunk and gave me a quick kiss before getting into the driver's seat. "I love you."

"I love you more." I smiled and layed back in the seat, preparing myself for a nap during the ride home.


I know, I know, I promised to update every Monday, but my laptop was right crap these past few days. Good thing is it's fixed and updates will continue!

Thanks so much for over 60 votes and all the comments. You don't know how happy it makes me that you guys like it!

So, another update by the end of the week? Vote, comment, all that good stuff! Oh, and try to last through the whole song in the video over there xD

Love you guys so much! :) xx

A Devine Life (Josh Devine)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora