Home Sweet Home

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The final bell finally rings and I sprint out of the classroom. Freedom! I rush out of the chemistry room, sprinting to the parking lot. The ancient maroon Dodge laid in it's usual spot and I slip into it's small interior. The leather scent that fills the warm air makes me sigh and lean back in the seat. I pull the solitary key out from my back pocket and push it into the ignition. The engine growls to life, softly sputtering. I rush out of the parking lot, not letting anyone else pass. They didn't even try of course, but that doesn't stop me from my usual habit.

It didn't take long until I was halfway across town, about to cross Wayward Drive. The red light stops me in my tracks before I could turn left. My hands clench the wheel, my fingers continuously tapping the hard plastic of the steering wheel as my eyes lock onto the dimming red light. I fall back in my seat with a huff and look out of the left window. Oh shit. Not him.

His eyes meet mine in an instant, widening with realization. The corners of his lips slowly pull up, his stark white teeth catching my attention. His hand raises up and rapidly waves, turning his flesh into a mere blur of skin. I hang my head down and rest my forehead onto the palm of my right hand. Guess his 'cool' facade was only at school.

My eyes shift up just in time to see the change of red to green. My foot slams on the gas, bolting away from the weirdo. A sigh escapes past my lips as the tell tales signs of civilization strip away and reveal the flourishing trees of the forest. Rolling the window down, I breath in the strong, dark scent of fertile soil. After a few minutes of blissful silence, I roll up in front of the two story home. The door clatters open as my feet hit the ground.

"Auntie Cyne!" The bell like voice calls out as their tiny feet echoes on the wood planks of the patio. His small figure runs up to me until he finally wraps his arms around my knees. Oh Garrett. Always a pleasure to see you.

"Hey little man." I laugh, picking him up and holding the small boy in my arms.

His head shakes as his bottom lip pouts out. "I'm not little man. I want to be little wolf."

I gaze into his dark, moss green eyes for a minute as I process his words. Where did he get little wolf from? Coughing into my hand, I finally get my thoughts together. "Alright little wolf. So, where is your daddy today?"

"The river. Said there were bad things out there." Garrett tells me with no problem. His fingers grip tightly onto the fabric of my shirt.

I nod my head and walk up the steps to the front door, "Is that why you guys came to visit?"

"Yep!" He pops the p with a smug little grin on his face. "And I wanted to see you."

"You did, did you?" The corners of my lips tug up into a smile as my heart swells with his words. I push the door open with my hip and walk us into the warm interior of my home.

It wasn't just my home, it had been in the family for generations. Mom and Dad had left it to Lucas and me to take care of the aging home. But Lucas decided that he wanted his own place about a year ago and left the five bedroom home on my hands. It didn't bother me that I was alone almost all of the time, it just meant I was able to make my own rules.

We move up the small flight of stairs and turn into the first room. I throw him down onto the large bed on the other side where he bounces up once before sinking into the downy, white comforter. His giggles fill the empty air of the room as he sits up and grins at me. "Again! Again!"

"Only one more time, little wolf." My laugh slips out of me as I pick the small boy up by his waist, hanging him over my shoulder. "Ready? One... Two... Two and a half..."

"Hurry up!" He giggles once more and pounds his fist against my back.

I pause and straighten up, "I don't know. It sounds like you want it now."

"Awwwww." His body grows heavier as he slackens. I quickly swing him up and down onto the bed once more. His eyes glisten as he looks over at me. "No fair! I wasn't ready!"

"One does not simply be ready for bed slams." I tell him and walk over to the small closet.

"This is your room?" His small voice asks me as the boy looks around. That's right. He hasn't been here since I moved all of my things up here.

"Yep." I say simply as I plop back onto the bed. A smirk creeps onto my face as I look at the boy. "I moved up here so that when you and your dad come over, you could have your own room."

"You did?" He exclaims, his eyes widening. He jumps up and kneels onto his knees, his hands holding onto my right shoulder. "Can we go down to it?"

"Of course." I answering and get to my feet.The boy follows as we head down to the ground floor. I rest my hand on the cold metal of the gold doorknob and pause. "It isn't fully ready yet. I didn't know you were coming so soon."

"That's ok. A room is a room." He grins up at me, bouncing in place. I almost melt at his innocent gaze and pure excitement.

I nod my head and swing the light chestnut door open. His footsteps echo against the walls as he bolts into the room. His jaw gapes open as he lets out a small gasp. "You like it?" I ask as I sit back on the small twin bed. The fleece blanket shifts under my weight and the head of the wolf printed onto the blanket almost seems to smile.

The boy quickly turn to face me, his eyes gleaming brightly. He runs over and throws his arms around my neck, "I love it! You did all of this for me."

"Duh." I roll my eyes with a small smirk. My hands softly rubs his back, "You are my favorite nephew after all."

"I'm your only nephew." His laugh rings through the room as he goes over to the small toy box. Small woodland creatures pranced along the bottom of the sides, permanently etched into the aged maple wood. The light blue paint began to chip off of the top, taking the clouds with it. The lid creaks as he lifts it open.

I cross my arms as I kneel beside him, "This used to be your dad's when he was your age. Then I used it for a short time. And now I want you to use it."

"Really?" He blurts out, holding back the inevitable giggle. Before I could reply, a knock is faintly heard coming from the front door. Who the fuck could that be?

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