Why He Came

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"She's my best friend from Oregon. She wasn't exactly keen on the idea of me leaving." He tells me. The phone will not stop buzzing as texts pour in.

Orland: Don't ignore me, bitch. I'm all alone in this hell hole of a town you left me in to find her.

Orland: Text me or I'm going Liam Neeson in Taken on your ass.

Orland: I have a specific set of skills and I will use them if I have to.

"Well she certainly has a taste in movies." I exclaim as I read through the new messages. "But I have a quick question. Who is this girl you came to find? She won't shut up about it."

Orland: Please text me, and if that girl of yours has your phone tell her I will hurt her unless she's her.

Orland: Please text me or I'm going to drive there.

Alex: If I have his phone, how is he supposed to read these messages?

I send the message before giving his phone back. "You should probably answer her."

"Thanks." He smiles at me and quickly sends her a message.

Alex: Calm your tits, I'm fine.

Orland: Who is she and what does she mean to you?

Alex: That was Her.

Orland: Congratulations, and if you find any fine bitches tell me okay. Now get that ass home wolf.

"Well I got her to leave me alone for now." Alex tells me as he slips his phone back into his back pocket.

"Good." I exclaim as I plop down on the bed. He sits next to me and we sit in silence for  moment. "You never answered my question."

"I know." He mutters.

"Aren't you going to tell me?" I ask him, grabbing his arm.

"Well you might be a little... creeped out, for lack of a better word." He tells me. With a sigh, he dives in. "I know that we met in Oregon. You were my best friend at the time, but then you had to move down here with your brother. Of course, I wasn't Alex yet. I was-"

"Jennifer. But we all called you Jen for short." I say before he could finish the sentence. "I remember."

"Wow." He breathes out. Clearing his throat, he goes on. "Well not long after you left, I began on my transition into a man. It wasn't until very recently that I was finally comfortable in my own skin. So I decided to find you."

"Me? Why?" I ask him with disbelief.

He looks into my eyes, "Because I love you. I loved you since we were twelve."

"So you came all the way down here just to find me?" My jaw drops. He came for me...

Good mate. My wolf barks happily.

"Well I'm pretty sure there aren't any other Cyne's from Oregon here." He laughs.

I pause, "But how did you know where I was?"

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a thin, worn out piece of paper that looks as if it had been read a billion times. Handing it to me, he smiles softly. I open it and gaze down at the faint handwriting. "This is the letter I sent you." I gasp. "You kept this?"

"Of course I did." He answers. "It was the only thing I had with the name of this town. I knew I had to find you one day."

I drop the paper onto the ground as I pull him down and press my lips to his. All of my emotions began to rush out of me and into him. I clung to him as tightly as I could as all of the years of repressed emotions for the person who I knew as Jen until today poured out of me. I knew that he was mine and I would always be his just in that one kiss. We broke apart and I laid my head down on his chest. Listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart soothed my breathing back to a normal pace. "I love you too Alex..."

"I didn't think I would hear those three words from you so soon." He laughs softly, careful not to move too much for me.

"Well we're both a bundle of surprises today." The words spill from my mouth as I run my fingers along his bare arm. A yawn overcomes me as I further lean on him.

"I should go, you need your sleep." He whispers softly to me as he lifts me up.

"No." I snap back to consciousness. "Please, don't leave. I don't want to be alone again."

He opens his mouth to object, but quickly rejects that idea. "Ok. I guess it will be fine."

I lay down on the bed and hold my arms out for him. He strips off his shoes and socks before biting his bottom lip. "You don't mind if I take the binder off, do you?"

"Go ahead. I want you to be comfortable." I tell him with a small smile. He lets out a small sigh of relief as he maneuvers his arms inside of his shirt. He pulls the cloth over his head and sets it down by his shoes. With a smile, he lays down and wraps me up in his arms, holding me against him. "I've been imagining this for years... It seems almost surreal now that it's happening."

"Same with me. Except I always imagined you as a girl since I didn't know what was happening." I laugh softly as I trace random patterns on his chest with the tip of my pointer finger. "But it's still as amazing as I thought it would be."

He kisses the top of my head for a brief moment. "I'm so glad I did find you."

"So am I. So am I." I mutter softly. I feel my head bob up and down slightly as he breathes. I close my eyes and rest my hand down on his side. My breathes slows as I slip into sleep.

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