The Truth About Him

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After who knows how long, we finally pulled away. He rests his head on mine as he fights to catch his breath. The corners of my lips tug up into a smile as I look up at him. My mate. I think to myself. He grins as he leans down and pecks my lips once more. I shift and rest my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat through the thin fabric of his shirt. I lay my hand on the other side and slightly feel his chest. What the hell is he wearing under his shirt? Alex tenses slightly under my chest.

"Are you ok?" I ask as I stand straight. My eyes meet his pained eyes.

"It's nothing. Please, don't worry about it." He tells me as he gently grabs my biceps.

I hit his hand away, "I'm already curious, just tell me what's underneath your shirt."

"I can't." He forces out the words.

"Why?" I ask him. "You can't trust me?"

"You'll run if I tell you." He mutters and shifts his gaze down to the beige carpet.

Run? After all this time? I shake my head, "I won't leave. I promise."

"That's what you say now." He fakes a chuckle. That's what I know.

I take his hand and lead him to the twin bed, forcing him to sit down next to me. My thumb brushes over the top of his hand as I clutch to his arm with my other hand. "Just trust me." I mutter into his shirt sleeve.

He scrutinizes me, looking for some reason that he should do the opposite. It wasn't long until he finally lets out a deep sigh and tells me the truth. "It's a binder."

"A binder?" My brows scrunch together in confusion.

"It compresses my chest." He explains, avoiding my gaze. "So that no one can tell that I have breasts without knowing me first."

"You're... You're transgender?" The words slip out from my lips.

He nods, "I'll be leaving now then." Alex goes to stand up but I tighten my grip on him and keep him on the bed. "Just let me go."

"No!" I blurt out. "I told you, I'm not leaving you. You shouldn't leave me either."

"But I just told you the truth about me. No one wants to be with some man wannabe." He dares not look at me, shifting his gaze to the blank wall.

I pull his chin towards me and softly kiss him. Pulling way, I rest my hand on his cheek and smile at him, "That doesn't change my mind."

"It doesn't?" He questions me, his eyes widening in shock.

"Not one bit." I tell him. He quickly presses his lips against mine with a fiery passion that makes my legs go numb. His hands slip down to my waist as I rest my hands on his chest.

A sharp knock comes to our right. We jump in our sets and turn to see Lucas leaning against the doorframe. "Ehem. Dinner is ready."

"Thanks for telling us Luc." My cheeks begin to burn as we get up and shuffle out of the bedroom. Oh god, he just caught us. This may be the most embarrassing moment of my life. I walk side by side with Alex to the kitchen where the spread of chicken and various sides lay sprawled out on the countertops.

"Cyne!" A voice calls out to me from the tale. I turn as see the thin, blonde sitting down at the chair closest to me.

"Sammy!" I laugh as I hug the woman. "How have you been? It's been too long."

"I've been better." She smiles softly at me. "Who is your friend?"

"This is Alex." I tell her as I look over at the brunette. "My... boyfriend."

"Since when has he been your boyfriend?" Lucas interrogates me as he crosses his arms and leans against the counter. Our eyes meet for a brief moment and my heart sinks. Shit.

"Well, since about five minutes before you came to get us." My voice wavers nervously.

Lucas glances at Alex, making sure the boy wasn't listening to us. "Is he the one?"

"Yeah. I'm positive." I tell him with a swift nod.

My brother looks back at him for a minute before finally facing me again. "He seems like a good enough kid. I'm glad you finally find him sis."

"Thanks." I grin and half hug him. "Now if you don't mind, I am starving." I grab a plate and pile the delectable food on.

I sit next to Garrett and Alex as we all eat. I feel a hand gently rest on my knee, making me turn to the older boy. "So, how is your food girlfriend?"

"It's fine." I tell him.

He laughs softly, "I didn't know I just had to kiss you to ask you out."

"Well it worked, didn't it?" I grin and place my hand on his, intertwining our fingers. We keep eating, keeping a conversation full of small talk between us.

A light buzzing against wood suddenly fills the room. Alex's cheek begin to turn red, "Sorry, that must have been my phone."

"It's no problem. It's probably just your mom wondering where you are." Sammy smiles at the boy.

He slips the device out of his back pocket and checks the name. "No, it's just my friend from my old town."

"Old town?" Lucas looks at the boy.

"I just came here from Huntsberg, Oregon." He explains.

My brother grins, "Really? We used to live there."

"Maybe Cyne and I met there and didn't even know it." He laughs. Maybe we did... Wait, that would make so much sense. If he is trans then he might have been... her!

"So, what did your friend text you?" I ask him. I watch as his cheeks turn dark red.

"Nothing important." He stammers out. "Don't worry about it." I raise my brow at him and he slips the phone under the table into my other hand.

Orland: Stop fiddling with yourself and text me you bitch. Oh how nice. I think. Before Alex could take his phone back, I quickly type out a response.

Alex: Sorry, Alex is busy fiddling with me.  I high five myself mentally as the message sends.

Orland: Are you sure you don't want me sweetie, I've heard that my tongue does wonders to the core. ;p Uhm, no.

Alex: I'm positive. I prefer him to anyone. It's not a lie. I smirk.

"What are you doing?" Alex whispers to me.

I mutter back to him. "Having an interesting conversation with your friend."

Orland: But sweetie, Alex loves only one and if you're not her I'm going to torture you, with my special fingers. Oh how fun it will be to play something other than video games.

"Hey Lucas, you don't mind if Alex and I leave the table now, do you?" I look up at my brother.

"Just as long as you aren't giving me any nieces or nephews." He shrugs.

"Great." I smile and drag Alex with me up to my room. once I close the door behind us, I turn to him. "So who is Orland and why are they flirting with me?"

Ok quick disclaimer, I am not transgender. If any information I write is incorrect, I apologize. Everything I know is from the many posts I read on the Internet aka tumblr. And a special thanks to DMR for making the most amusing character of Orland.

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