The Question of Love

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"Why don't we go inside?" Alex points his thumb back to the door with a small smile pulling up at his cheeks.

"Can I show him my new room?" Garrett pleads, his eyes gleaming as he looks up at me. These boys may end up being my ultimate demise.

I grin at the both of them, "Fine. But I have work to do." My eyes shift over to Alex. "You don't mind playing with him for a little while, do you?"

"Not at all." He waves me off. "I'm sure this little guy couldn't be too much trouble."

"Come on, let's go!" My little wolf takes the boy's hand and drags him up the cement steps, through the door. The mix of their laughter pours out of the house.

I can't help but chuckle as I walk past the bedroom door into the room next door, my office. Papers cover my desk and pictures decorated all along the cream colored walls. I sit on my office chair and pick up the first paper on my desk. An essay about someone you love, huh? What kind of scholarship is this? With a soft sigh, I grab my pencil and begin to write on a stack of lined paper. Words on Garrett and Lucas poor out from me, but around the third paragraph, I lose my train of focus. I slump down in the chair, resting my head on the top. The soft sounds of giggling is heard through the thin walls.

"Hey, I thought I was that guy." Alex laughs with the little wolf.  They must be having fun.

Go see him. My wolf barks at me.

No, I have work to do. I argue back.

No work. Mate. It growls as it paces back and forth.

Relax, I just want to listen to them a little longer. I tell it.

"No, no!" Garrett laugh, "They aren't brother and sister. They're married."

"Married?" Alex gasps. "But why?"

"They love each other silly." The little one tells him.

"Do you love somebody?" He asks him.

A pause follows before my nephew finally answers. "Violet is really nice. I want her to be my girlfriend."

"She must be really nice. Is she pretty?" Alex asks him.

"Uh huh." I bet he is nodding his head. "Very pretty."

"She sounds wonderful." The older boy says.

"Hey Alex?" His voice sounds smaller than usual. "Do you like anyone?"

"That depends, can you keep a secret?" The smaller boy must have nodded because Alex kept going. "I really like Cyne."

"Auntie?" Garrett gasps. I'm with you on this one buddy.

"I think she's very, very pretty even though she isn't the nicest most of the time." He tells him.

"Does she like you back?" Little Wolf asks him.

"I don't think so buddy. I wish I knew for sure though."

"Want me to ask her for you?"

"No, she would know if you told her. And you can't let her know." As if I don't know already. Maybe it's about time I go and break their conversation up.

Mate. The wolf barks out happily.

Yeah, yeah. Mate. I roll my eyes as I slip out of my office and stop in front of the bedroom door. I raise my hand and gently knock on the wood.

"Hello?" Garrett sings out as he swing the door open. "Hi Auntie."

"Hey little wolf. How was your game with Alex?" I ask as I lift him up into my arms.

He giggles, "It was a lot of fun. He's funny."

"What can I say? I'm a funny guy." Alex laughs as he walks over to us, scratching the back of his neck.

"Sure you are." I raise my brow at him. The sound of the front door clicking open catches my attention. "Come on little wolf, your mom and dad are back."

"Yay!" He giggles as I let him down and he runs off.

"He's so cute." Alex smiles as he glances over at me. "Has the funniest little conversations."

"Especially ones about that girl Violet." I smirk at turn to the boy. I think I may mess with him a little bit first.

"He told you about her too?" Alex questions me as he furrows his brow.

I shake my head, "No, I just heard of her fairly recently."

His jaw drops and his eyes widen. "So you heard..."

"Every word." I nod and watch him.

He takes a step forward towards me. "You know."

"I didn't have to hear to know. You are really obvious." I tell him.

He takes a few more steps. "You don't mind?"

"I should, but I don't." I tell him. My eyes meet his as he keeps getting closer. "I don't know what I want."

Mate! My wolf answers for me, but Alex cannot hear it.

My breathing quickens as he stands right in front of me. He reaches down and grabs my hands in his, holding them up to his chest. "Do... Do you mind me doing this?"

"I don't." I tell him as I shake my head, looking down at our conjoined hands.

He lets go of my hands, moving his up and arms and down from my shoulders to my hip, holding me close to him. "How about this?"

I place my hands on his chest, moving them up until I grip my hands together on the other side of his neck. I can feel my body pressing up against him. The wolf inside is howling praises as I fight to get an even breath. "No." I finally pant out.

He lowers his head, resting his forehead on mine. "And this?" He softly pants out.

I can feel his hot breath brushing against my face, joining with my own. I shift my gaze up and look into his dark brown eyes. My heart pounds as if I had sprinted a dozen miles in human form within a few seconds. I shake my head. "No."

His hands slip behind me and press against my back, pulling me closer to him. The sounds of footstep echoes through my ears yet I can't pull myself away from his hold on me. His nose bumps against mine as we lean in closer. "This?" He mutters to me as he brushes his lips against mine.

I stand on the balls of my feet and deepen the kiss, all rational thought seeping out from my mind. Electric currents run from the surface of my lips, down my spine to the tips of my toes. The faint traces of stubble is rough against my skin. The taste of dark chocolate and mint hits me as the kiss furthers. Mine. I growl to myself.

Our mate. My wolf barks in agreement.

Sorry for the infrequent updates, I've honestly been really lazy and working on other stories. Especially this new one I've been working on with my great friend, DMR666. I'll try to get chapter 7 up as soon as possible

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