Should She Stay or Should She Go?

18 3 1

Alex's POV

She is so beautiful. I rub my hand against her back as she sleeps. Pressing my lips to her forehead, I softly kiss her. "Alex..." She mutters softly as she squirms in my grasp.

"Cyne?" I ask, not knowing if she was still asleep or not. She doesn't answer, just lets out a small sore. I relax and sink my head into the pillow, thinking back on the day. I finally found her. It's been four years and I finally found her. "I love you."

"Love you... Jen..." She mutters in her sleep, a small smile creeping onto her face. I certainly haven't been called that in a while. I suppose it will take her a while to get used to.

She shifts onto her side, putting her back to me. Her ass presses against my thigh. My eyes fall onto her behind. Do I move or what? Should I move her? I raise my hand and hover it over her jean clad butt. I bite my lip as I slowly drop it down and gently brush against the rough cloth. My phone violently buzzes in my pocket, making me jump back. "Jesus Christ..." I mutter as I pull the device out of my pocket.

Orland: Wake up! I need to ask you something beach.

Alex: I was already awake. Now what is it?

Orland: Can I call you? It's more of a I need to tell you sort of thing. So call me! Really? I groan softly as I call her, pressing the phone to my ear.

"Finally, you've been ignoring me for 24 hours." Her Asian accent sounded so familiar and annoyed as usual.

"Sorry, I've been busy." I tell her. "It's a long drive and a longer time to catch up on sleep."

"Yeah, yeah. You're such a bitch, I feel bad for her. She has to deal with you for the rest of her life." She insults me, but I know she cares.

"The rest of her life huh?" I chuckle, careful not to shake the bed and wake Cyne. "I think that is the most positive thing I've ever heard from you."

"Shut up, and tell me when I can visit. My parents are going all traditional and trying to set me up with some family friend's son. Please save me from being forced straight!" She complains.

"Sorry, but there's not much I can do all the way down here." The words blurt from my mouth.

"Ask the alpha if I can visit dumbass." She snaps annoyed. "You know I can track you down but I need permission to come into the territory."

"I'll do it as soon as I can, promise." I give in as I roll my eyes. "I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment."

"Well tell her I say hi and use protection I don't want any nieces or Nephews." She tells me. "I love yea Alex."

"I'll tell her as soon as she wakes up. And I'll text you tomorrow. Love ya too Orland." I say before hanging up the phone. Setting the device down on the side table, I turn back to the women beside me. Her back was still turned towards me and she still looked dead sleep. A yawn racks through my body as I toss onto my side and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Who was that?" Her voice sounds louder in the silence.

"I'm sorry I woke you up." I tell her as I press my lips to the top of her shoulder. "That was Orland."

"The girl I was texting earlier?" She asks.

I nod, "Yeah, she needed to talk about what was going on up there. She says hi by the way."

"Well next time you talk to her, tell her I say hi back." She mutters into the pillow. "Now are you going to be quiet now and just sleep?"

"Yes. Now shush so I can." I grin and press my body to hers, feeling the heat that radiates off of us. It wasn't long until sleep overtakes me.

Where am I? I think as I shoot up into a sitting position on the bed. Looking around the bare room, the memories of the previous day come back to me. Cyne! I turn my head and see an empty spot on the bed. I figured she must have gotten up already so I quickly strip off my shirt and slip the binder back on. As I pull the shirt back over my head, the auburn haired girl strolls into the room. "Morning." She smiles at me.

"Goodmorning." I smile back. "How did you sleep?"

"Great. You?" She asks as she goes to the closet and pulls out a pair of black jeans and a dark red t-shirt.

"Best sleep I've ever had. Even if you do hog the blankets." I grin and grab my shoes.

"I do not!" She objects. "I'm going to change really quick, ok?"

"Oh, ok." I shrug my shoulders. She turns her back to me and pulls down her jeans from yesterday, showing off her black panties. My jaw drops as she leans down to put her feet through the holes. I clench my hands at my sides, fighting the urge to reach over and squeeze her tender cheeks. She slips the cloth up and shakes into the jeans. Once finished buttoning her pants, she quickly strips herself of her shirt and throws it back towards me. Her skin was pale and I swear it had to be silky smooth. I turn my gaze away until I hear her turning back around and walking over towards me. Mate...

"Are you ok?" She asks and leans forward to look me in the eyes.

I dare not glance down her shirt, keeping my gaze on her face. "Just fine. I just didn't expect you to do that here."

"It's my room, where else would I do it?" Cyne laughs and sits next to me on the bed.

I shake my head, "It's not that. I didn't think you would do it in front of me."

"Oh, really? Well you were wrong." Her eyes gleam as she leans forward and kisses my cheek. "Now come on, breakfast is ready."

"I'll be there in a minute. You go ahead and eat." I tell her. She nods and leaves the room, going down the stairs into the kitchen. I grab my phone and send a quick message.

Alex: I told you I would text you.

Orland: Better. Did you ask the alpha? Because I can't stand it anymore. I think the guy is stalking me now at school. He won't stop staring. Help me!!!!

Alex: I haven't seen him since the last time we talked. I'll try to see him today. Just try to live for a little while longer.

Orland: You're only happy because you found your mate. I'm stuck here all alone with stalker Steve on my sweet ass. So hurry up before I go rogue.

Alex: I'll talk to him after school. No rogue yet.

Orland: Good, because I'm gonna kill Steve he won't stop staring at me.

Alex: Just don't leave any evidence behind and you should be fine.

Orland: This is why we are friends, you're a true home wolf. See you soon beach. I have to face the evil Mrs. Higgins.

Alex: Good luck with that. I'll see you later. (If you survive)

Orland: Shut up and go to your girl. I roll my eyes and shut my phone off. Slipping it into my front pocket, I go down and join my mate for a nice breakfast. 

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