Jealousy Hurts

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"I can't believe she got here so fast. I knew it wouldn't take long but it had only been an hour, if that." Alex gushes with a wide smile as we sit on the couch together with some reality show playing on the television. Why does he care so much about her? It's not like she's that amazing, and she isn't his mate.

"I'm glad you're happy babe." I tell him. My mate's happiness is my happiness as well.

"Thank you." He smiles softly and pulls me closer before I feel him press a soft kiss to my temple.

I look up at him with a small smile before teasing him a little, "You missed."

"Oh really?" He smirks back at me before leaning closer so his nose brushes against mine. "And where did you want me to kiss you?"

"You know where." I murmur before closing the distance and pressing our lips together. His arms move around my waist as the intensity of the kiss begins to grow. I shift so I'm sitting on his lap straddling him. The kiss builds with passion, making my heart race. Now, we can finally mark me as his and I can mark him as mine. He pulls away from my lips as drags them slowly along my skin down from the corner of my lips along my jaw and down my neck, pressing soft kiss along the sensitive skin. "Alex..." I softly mutter as my fingers run through his hair, keeping him there. My heart pounds at the thought of him biting me already and finally making me his for the rest of our lives. He pulls back and crashes his lips back to mine in a hard kiss. I move my lips in perfect synch with him before trailing kisses down his neck. I brush my teeth against the skin as my canines sharpen. Mark him already. My wolf snaps at me with anticipation.

I was just about to bite him when he suddenly stops and pulls away with a slight scowl, "What time is it?"

"About 11. Why?" I ask him as my brows furrow in confusion. Why the hell does that matter? Did he always imagine marking me at a certain time or something?

"Orland should have been home by now. She's never out this late." He tells me as he pushes me off of his lap before getting up.

"She's probably just hooking up with some willing girl. Sit back down with me." I tell him. Why is he thinking about her when he is here with me? I'm the one he came down here for. If he wanted her, he should have just stayed in Oregon.

"I have to make sure she's okay. I'll be back soon." He tells me as he slips a hoodie on and his shoes.

"Seriously Alex?" I speak up as I scowl darkly at him. "Why are you going to go and find her when I'm here?"

"She's my best friend." He tells me.

"And I'm your mate." I snap at him angrily. "Stay here, I'm sure she can take care of herself."

He frowns as he watches me, "Cyne, I'm only going out to make sure she isn't hurt or lost. You make it sound as if I'm going to cheat on you with her."

"And are you?" I question him. How dare he even suggest that to me?

"Orland is a lesbian, plain and simple. Why would I want to cheat on you with her?" He asks me.

I cross my arms over my chest, "Just because she may not have feelings for you does not change whatever feelings you may have for her." He could love her and I wouldn't be able to stop him. He has to love her, why else would he keep me from biting him?

"I only love Orland as an annoying sister." He tells me softly.

"Then who are you really going out to see?" I snap at him. "There is no way you're leaving just to check up on someone."

"No one." He answers with a scowl. "I'm not lying to you."

"Bullshit." I blurt out with a sneer. "Is she helping you get laid tonight or something? Is that it?"

He walks back over to me and kneels down to look into my eyes. "I love you Cyne, not anyone else. Please believe me." He mutters softly to me with a soft sigh.

"Then prove it." The words slip from my lips before I could think of what he was saying. If he really loves me, he'll mark me already. He pulls me close and presses his lips to mine in a soft but passionate kiss. I press my hands against his chest and push him back. "You are a dumbass Alex Walker." I snap at him before rushing past him and to my room, slamming the door behind him. All I wanted was one thing and he managed to ruin it all. Why did I have to be mated with him? He's changed more than just physically, and I'm not sure I like it. I don't know who he is anymore. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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