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"So who are you seeing tomorrow?" Simon asks in a sing song voice. i blush.

"uh, Luke?" i say, meepily. "hes coming… over?" 

"oooookaaay, i wonder what Quinn will say. ooooooooh Quinns gonna be so mad at him!" simon says. i roll my eyes at him.

"seriously. i really doubt that Quinn likes me. i mean, then he wouldnt steal from me, right?" i ask.

"thats exactly why he would steal from you. it gets him attention from you. for example, what happened today?" oh dear lord. story time.

"weeeeeeeeeeel he stole my homework and i had to chase him around then i finally got it back and i stole his hat then he chased me and i wasnt fast enough and he tackled me." i say.

"and how close to yours was his face?" 


"he likes you. face the facts." he shrugs. we pull into our driveway and i start to rethink this. what if he asks me out? i wonder how he would ask me? give me a note? in front of the whole school? alone? in class? what if he steals something and then when i get close enough to get it he tackles me and then asks me? there are so many possible ways and questions going through my head as i walk  inside, that i walk into the door.

"thinking about someone?"  Charlie says, looking up after i open the door. hes learned that if im not paying attention, im thinking about someone.

"you know i am. i walked into the door! and i am thinking about two people." i was also thinking about tomorrow. "my friend Luke is coming over tomorrow. you better not embarrass me!" i point at him. hes the one person i can trust with my secrets. "ooh i should clean up the studio some." i run into our backyard to the tiny old shed thats about the size of three outhouses put together. it was cramped, and i had painted the walls in it, and i had also painted the walls of my room too. my studio's walls had splatter paint all over it in orange and blue, my favorite colors. but my room, my room had random things all over it. my name was painted over my bed, very big with vines growing on it, and the letters were neon blue with neon green and neon pink. other things were random, like unicorns, a saxophone (i want to play it, but its too expensive and i have no time), and even a small painting of Neverland Academy. once i put all of my paintings in a corner with sheets over them, except one. i can do people, and i have paintings of all my best friends. but as i am pretty sure ive said, i have a crush on Luke, so without thinking one time, i ended up painting him. i dont plan on him seeing it, so i take it and run up to my room and put it under my bed with a cover over it, all without questioning. now that my house is ready for tomorrow, i get ready for bed. hes coming over at noon, since tomorrow is Saturday. i lay down in bed, pull the string attached to my light (its a piece of yarn that i tied around the chain that turns the light on/off) and close my eyes, imeadiatly falling asleep.


'Luke is coming over today!' i think as i  open my eyes. i look at my clock. 11:30?!?! i have no time! i quickly change into a presentable outfit (a purple v-neck with blue tank top underneath with jeggings) and run to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. when im done, i run downstairs and hear a knock on the door. perfect! just in time! i calmly walk over to the door, even though im freaking out inside. i open the door, and Luke smiles.

"how do you do?" he asks.

"how do i do what?" i ask.

"i meant hello. sorry if i confused you." i mentally slap my forehead when he says that. im so stupid, of course he was saying hello!

"sorry, um do you wanna come in?" i ask.

"sure, your house is pretty."he says, walking in

"thank you."

"so wheres your studio?" 

"in the backyard, follow me. its kinda small though." we walk outside to the shed. i open the door and let him go in, then following him.

"i like the walls." he says, smiling as he looks up to them.

"hey the paint's in my room can you help me get it?" i always keep my paint in my room; its my most prized possession.

"yeah sure, id love to help." he says. when we get to my room, he just stops in his tracks, staring at my walls. i know im bad, but was i really that bad? "this is…………………amazing."

"no its not, im terrible." i say. i walk over to my chest with the paints. i reach into my pocket for the key (i protect my paint) but dont find it. 

"you are not terrible. you are the best painter ive ever seen. you should sell your paintings." he says, noticing a few of my paintings that i framed and put on my wall. "are these even yours? or are they professional?" he asks, pointng to one of my friend Skylar. i blush to a tomato.

"i-i-i p-painted th-them." i say very quietly.

"this is awesome, have  you even shown Skylar?"

"uh, no. you are the first person to see my paintings." i thought i forgot something!! 1, i forgot to cover up my paintings, 2, i forgot the key in the studio! "i forgot the key to the paints down in the studio, stay here. i say running out of my room.


she is freaking awesome with painting!!!!!!!! and i thought, have been told, that i was good, but shes freaking awesome!!!!!  she runs downstairs, and i explore her room. i see a sheet peeking out from under the bed, and pull it out. theres like a board or something behind it, so i take it off and look down. at first i thought it was a mirror, but then i saw the backround was different. i looked closer, and relized it was a painting of me! she painted me?


im walking back to my room. when i get to my door, i see Luke looking down at something. when i realize its my painting of him i freak out. what if he thinks im crazy? or desperate?

"du-umm i-i w-wasnt pa-paying attention?" i ask/say. he flips around in surprise

"What are you talking about?" he asks.

"the painting. i wasnt really paying attention when i painted it, i didnt really know what i painted until i finished. sorry." i say.

"Ebony this is awesome! i thought it was a mirror until i looked at the backround! this is so cool! can i keep it?" he asks. i stare at him in shock.

"i guess" i manage to speak.

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