chapter 5

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Today we have to present our song. I'm freaking out with nerves and the fear of Quinn not cooperating. Everyone is talking about their projects while I go over the lyrics for the millionth time, while Quinn isn't even here yet.

"Allright class, to present first we have Skylar and Christopher, presenting a poem." Mr. Forbes says, his voice hoarse from screaming all the time. Sky walks up, afraid, while Christopher waltzes up like he owns the place- which he sort of does. As they stand up there getting ready to present, Chris is looking around guiltily. I wonder what he's up to...

"Well, slight change of plans. Instead of whatever she wrote, we will be reciting this poem. It is called, Why I Should Rule The World. Here's how it goes:

I should rule the world,

Because I am awesome.

I am rich

I am powerful.

People are afraid,

So they bow down to me.

They would obey me.

That way I would be a good leader.

I should rule the world,

because the world needs one ruler, and I would be that ruler.

Instead of a million presidents and kings and queens,

I shall rule all.

Everyone shall bow down to my feet!"

Chris says. After that happened, everybody just sat there wide mouthed. Well, except for Sky. She was running out of the room crying. I start to run out after her, but Quinn stops me.

"We have to present our project now, Ebony. You can check on whoever she is after." he says as if nothing just happened.

"Did you not just see my best friend run crying out the door? And do you expect me not to care?" I say.

"No, I don't expect you to care, cause you are a goody goody and you only care about grades."

"Well then, you thought wrong. I'd rather get an F than ignore my friend when she's in need." I say. Then I turn around and run after Sky.


What kind of a person am I? I didn't mean to say that! It sliped out! She can't possibly think I meant that?! Who am I kidding I looked her straight in the eye when i said that, Dang it! I'm an idiot. I go up to Chris and thwack him on the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?" He asks.

"Not funny, man. Really not funny. You just made my partner run out the door after her friend that you messed up her project! That girl worked on that project non-stop and you go and mess it up! You idiot." I tell him. Even though I'm the idiot.

"Hey, that was hillarious! And it's not like you care, you barely know them. Well, other than Ebon- ooooohhh I get it now. I just made her friend run... And then you said... oohh. Sorry, I guess." He replies.

"Now I have to find them. you always create problems!" I say.

"It's my specialty." He smiles.

"No seriously I have to find them before the end of class cause I need to present and she has the lyrics.. and she's presenting." I walk out the door To go find them. I walk down the hallway and I'm near the door to outside and I hear talking. I look through the window on the door and see both of them sitting on a bench. I open the door and walk up to them. when Ebony sees me, she snaps up.

"Great, now what do you want?"

So she did think I actually said that. Great, this is weird, I don't know what to do!

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