Chapter 6

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Ebony's P.O.V

What the heck? He just told me that I shouldn't care my friend when she probably just failed because of his friend and now he's come to talk to me? Ugh, why? He's a Lost Boy! He shouldn't even know my name!

"Great, now what do you want?" I snap at him.

"I-I-I didn't say that! I mean I did... But I didn't mean to! um..." Quinn seemed at a loss for words, for once.

"Just go away, Quinn. After we present the project, leave me alone. Why did you take an intrest to even become anything close to friends in the first place? I'm not anything compared to the girls that throw themselves at you, why not be friends with them? Now go away before you make things worse. You always do." I say, turning back to Skylar. "Skylar you should just preform solo and ask if Chris not to get credit. That's what I'm gonna do! Preform yours alone! Then it gets back at him and he gets a horrible grade! Then he fails you move on to the next year and he doesn't!"

Quinn's P.O.V

Oh god. She plans fast when she's mad! I'm pretty sure I'll get a zero on this project yet my partner will get an A.

I'm in some deep trouble now. I slowly back away, thinking of whats probably gonna happen to me. I'm gonna fail, she is gonna graduate a year before me, and that will give her time to get as far away from the guy that doesn't care. yeah. Why do I like her so much anyways? I'm a lost boy, I can have any girl I want, yet I choose the one that hates me? I will just act like she's just another person then, since she is just another person. I walk back into school and go up to the teacher.

"Ma'am, I don't know when she's coming back-" I start but am interrupted by the door opening.

"I'm here, I'm here." Ebony says, walking to her seat where a guitar case is. She gets the guitar out and walks up to the stool in the front and sits down. "You have to be up here too, ya know." she tells me and I walk up and sit in the stool next to her.

"Now say your names, what you are presenting, the message, then present." the teacher says.

"Quinn Vega!" I say enthusiastically.

"Ebony Reynolds." Ebony mumbles. "So our, or pretty much my presentation will be a song that I wrote, while Quinn sat there. The message is about not giving up."

Ebony starts playing the guitar, and I realize that the day I had gone over to work on the project with her, as I was leaving, it had been her playing this song.

She sings the entire song and when she's done the entire class erupts in cheers. I see her glance at someone in the class but I didn't see who it could be. She blushes and I wonder who she had looked at. I look around.

I thought she fancied Luke, but he isn't in this class, so it can't be him. Who else would she be blushing for?

"That was beautiful, Ebony!" Ms. Padmore says. "I might just have to talk to the new Play Director about you." This comment makes Ebony look up at her hopefully. "If only I knew who it was. I hope you like singing disney." the teacher looks off, as if in deep thought. "Oh. Class dismissed! see you all tomorrow! Ebony I'd like to talk to you, so stay behind." Everyone files out of the classroom but I stay near the door to eavesdrop. Eh, It may seem creepy but I could care less. I lean against the wall outside the classroom and listen.

"I heard you have a little stagefright." Ms. Padmore says. Stagefright?

"Yeah, I don't like it. I feel like if I preform on a stage, that everyone will laugh at me or stare in horror." Ebony replies. "People that are close to me, they always tell me I'm good at singing and guitar, and painting, but I feel as though they're supposed to say that, since they're family. I feel like they are just trying to make me feel better. I am not good at painting or guitar or singing in my mind, and I'm always afraid of people thinking that I'm that weirdo that can't do anything." Ebony says. Her? Not good at anything? Please. Wait she paints? Since when?

"Ebony, you actually are very talented, I've never seen your paintings but I'm sure that they are awesome. You shouldn't be afraid, you should be confident. I was afraid, and look at me now, I'm a crazy cat lady. I have like, five cats already. I don't want you to make the same mistake as me. So, go be confident and talk to that boy you looked at during class today!"

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