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"so what do you wanna paint?" i ask Luke, who was standing next to me in my studio.

"id rather look at the rest of your paintings. i mean, i see the cluster of them over there, but they are under sheets. can i see some?" he asks. i shrug.

"youve seen my most embarassing one, the one of you, oh by the way you can have that. so sure. just remember youre the only one." i say. i walk over to the corner with all my paintings in it. i grab the one off the top, taking the cover off it. i look at it and smile. its a painting of my family, one that i painted two years ago, on the Fourth of July. i remember fearing that the paint would melt.

"so can i see it?" Luke asks, snaping me out of my memory.

"uh yeah, sure, here, sorry." i say, handing it to him. his jaw hits the floor when he sees it.

"you did no- this is  not a painting!" he says in surprise. "this is a freaking photo!!!!!" he said.

"no, i painted it, silly. see the smudge?" i point to the corner where the paint actually started to melt. "not everything is perfect."

"even pictures. the ink smudges, or the flash is too bright, or the lighting is wrong. nothing is perfect." he says.

"especially me." i muttereed under my breath.

"aww dont say that. you are plenty perfect." he said. inside im freaking out. alot. "look i gotta go, my mom keeps texting me to come home." he stands up. "bye."

"bye, see you Monday." i say. he leaves. wow. a Lost Boy was just at my house.


the weekend went by fast, soon enough it was Monday. 

"BYE SIMON!!!!!" I scream into the car.

"aah, bye" he seems tired. eh, let him drive.

"Hey! You have food. I want food." I hear Quinn say as the guys walk up. I have a sandwich in my hand.

"My food." i say, taking a bite out of it.

"aww." he sighs.

"Hi Lost Boys." i say.

"Hello." they all say in unison. I walk in to school to find Skylar. I dont see her until i walk into homeroom, which i have with Quinn and Christian. when i sit down Skylar flips.

"You had a lost boy at your house yesterday!" she whisper-screams.

"yeah, i knew that."

"when were you gonna tell me this?" 

"i dont know?"

"well it would have been useful to know."

"Sowy Sky" i do a puppy dog face.

"iss okay" we hug.

"Allright class I will get straight to the point. You will have projects due in three weeks and I have picked your partners. I will not call out names in alphabetical order." Mr. Forbes says when he walks into the classroom.

"Ebony Reynolds... And.. um... let me see... oh. oh dear... Quinn Vega... You are partners, sorry Ebony I know you can't stand him." He says, which makes me zone out on everything else he says. I, Ebony Reynolds, have to do a project, with my ultimate enemy, Quinn Vega?!?!


I know it's kinda short and waaaay ttooooo overdue, and i will try to update every Saturday, but you have to know that i kinda have a life people and i have a lot of other stories! but i will try to get Chapter 4 up by July 13. so, sorry i made you wait soo long!

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