Chapter 1

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Snow's P.O.V

I was pushing my leg to their limit. It was burning me ,but I didn't care. I had to push. Go faster and faster. I wasn't ready for this. How could it be?



Snow's P.O.V

"I really don't care!" I sang as I pulled up into my school's parking lot.

"Gooo T-Wolves!" the cheerleaders said.

"Okay guys. That was a good morning practice. See you guys later for the game!" the head cheerleader said as I walked past.

"Snow! Wait up!" Gigi, my best friend and head cheerleader, called out to me.

I turned around to see her carrying tons of books.

"You need help there G?"

"Yes please! You can hold my Social Studies, Math, and Science text book."

"Wow! You are such a good friend for letting me carry all of your books!"I told her sarcastically.

"I know right!"

We both laughed and started walking towards our first class.

All of a sudden I see Max, Gigi's and mine best guy friend, run up to us.

"Snow! Thank goodness I found you! There us something really important that I need to tell you. Phill was out making sure that everything was fine before he heads back in for class when he smelled something different."

You might be wondering how could he have smelled something different. Well that's because our school that we go to has werewolves ,me being one of them, in it. This school has always had werewolves in it. It was originally built as a place for werewolve to stay if they needed one. Then people from neighboring villages started to get suspicious when no one would go to school. Since then werewolves have always been in this school. There are only a few werewolves in this school. They built another school for little kids down the road and the older teenagers decided that its best to have them over with the little kids. Plus the teenagers here are all high up in the pack. Me being the daughter of the alpha means that if anything wrong in the school gets reported to me. Anyway back to the werewolves in school.


1) Gigi- head cheerleader; senior; mate to Max; 2nd highest female in the pack.

2)Max- captain of the football team; senior; mate to Gigi; 2nd highest male

3)Phill- quarterback; senior; 3rd highest male

4)Me- volleyball captain; class president; senior; highest female.

5)Danii- volleyball player, cheerleader, senior, daughter of pack warrior

6)Summer- class vice-president, step-sister to Max, senior


"Relax Max. Phill probably just smelled a new type of squirrel."

Max just gave me a shaky smile and laugh.

"That's what I thought too. Till I went and got a whiff. Snow it isn't a new type of squirrel. Its new werewolves."


A/N What do you guys think? Vote,Comment, and Fan!! If you are confused as to why Snow is the highest female its because her mom left her and her dad and a wolf only has one mate so their was no one else for her dad. Hope that that cleared it up!!

Love you hippos!!

- Iz

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