Chapter 4

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Snow's P.O.V

He took my small hand in his and everything felt right. Well as right as it can get when you are going to be the new alpha. We walked hand in hand to my house with the others following behind.

I unlocked my door and opened it and stepped inside. Gigi was the last one in so she closed the door. I led them to the living room where I sat down on the love seat with my mate next to me. The rest sat anywhere they could.Soon the rest of the pack that was in the house stepped into the living room because we all felt the same thing. They all looked at me to continued. I cleared my throat and started slowly speaking.

"Today is a very sad day for all of us. Earlier today our alpha was killed."

Wide eyes all stared at me. I looked at my mate and in his eyes was sadness and sympathy and love even though he didn't know my name, he showed me in his eyes how he was going going to be there no matter what. I continued.

"I don't know how he died. I'll send one of you to go find his body that way we could find out how he died and give him a burial."

I looked at everyone and they all nodded.

"Today is also the day that five new werewolves came into our territory. As it turns out, one of those wolves is my mate."

Loud gasps from around the room.

"We won't answer any questions right now. You guys are dismissed."

I grabed my mate's hand and led him up to my room and closed door behind me. I turned around and slowly slid down the door tears escaping. I heard shuffling of feet and knew that he was next to me.

"I'm not going to tell together that I know what you're going through. I'm not going to tell you lies. I'm not going to promise you that things are going going to get better, because I don't know. What I am going to tell you is that I'm here for you. That when you need me, it won't matter the time or the day of the week but I will come running to you."

I just started crying harder.

"What! Why are you crying harder?!" he asked.

"I'm crying because what you said was really sweet." I told him while crawling to him and sitting on his lap.

"Oh." was all he said. He then hugged my right tighter to his chest. We stayed like that for a while. After a while I lifted my head up to look him in the eyes.

"How about we get know each other better. I would like to know the name of my mate."

At that he smiled.

"Hello love. My name is Harry. What's yours? "

"Hi. My name is Snow."

"Pleasure to meet you Snow."

"The pleasure is all mine."

"How about we play 20 questions to know each other better?"

"Sure babe."

So we started playing 20 questions which turned into what seemed like 50 questions. Some harmless like,

"What's your favorite color?"

and some like,

"What is your biggest turn on?"

Some how I ended up on his chest with him playing with my hair.

"So this is what having a mate is like." Harry said.

"I guess so. So far I love it."

"You're not the only one babe."



"I want to have the mind/emotion link with you."

It was silent.

"You sure?"

"If I wasn't why would I tell you a lie?"


I sat up as well did he.

The way that you have the mind/emotion link with your mate is when you have your first kiss with each other. After your first kiss, you and the mate gets the mind/emotion link along with matching markings. When you get the markings, every one will know that the wolf has a mate. It appears both when in wolf or human form. The markings are not to be touched by anyone except the mate. The male/female of the one touched will get very jealous and then do something irrational.

We both leaned in. When our lips touched it was like nothing before. It felt like the 4th of July. It was amazing. When we both pulled away we were both panting slightly while trying to catch our breaths.

Soon I felt a tingly sensation behind my neck . I looked at Harry. He was already looking at me. We both knew what it was. The markings.

"Do you feel a tingly sensation behind your neck?"


Even though we both confirmed it something felt off. I didn't get to think about it more because suddenly I felt my hair get pushed to the right. Then fingers slowly started to trace a pattern.

"It looks beautiful on you." Harry said after a while. He then moved my hair back and made sure that it covered my markings.

"No Snow. MY markings."

Shit. I forgot about the mind connection.

"And I'm going to use it to my advantage." He said with a smirk.

Before I could reply to him my right wrist started to tingle. Exactly how it was when I got the marking on my neck. I look at Harry and see confusion and shock on his face. I look on my right wrist and see a new star there.

"You know that the only mates that have two mating marks are the most powerful mates ever right?"

"And that we have to be careful of who we trust."

"And we that we have to find out if we're only one's like this."

"And come out of the room that you've two been in for the past 3 hours!" Gigi's voice said through the door.

"Cover it up." I told Harry in a hushed voice.

He only nodded. He pulled down his sleeves while I put a sweater on. People would ask because it was a little cold outside in Bushkill like always. Then Harry grabbed my hand and we headed downstairs hand in hand.

As soon as we got down the stairs Gigi asked my why I had a sweater on.

"I'm cold."

She nodded. After and about 30 minutes Gigi excused us and grabbed my arm and dragged me to the bathroom. She locked the door and turned around.

"I know you hiding something." she said.

She grabbed my right arm and lifted up the sleeve. Then she got water and put her right wrist underneath it and started rubbing furiously. Once she was satisfied she showed my her wrist and put my wrist next to hers.

"We're the same."


A/N Hey guys! How do you like the chapter?

Love you hippos!

- Iz

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