Chapter 17

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Miranda's P O.V

Luke and I were sitting at the table hand in hand disscussing what we should tell the rest. All of a sudden the door hit the wall and there in the doorway stood Snow and Harry.

"We know what your talking about." Harry said calmly.

Snow gave Harry a look.

"Why are you so calm about this? We just found out that...."




Snow's P.O.V

"Well it all starts with your grandparents." Mom began.

"On whose side?" I immediately asked.

"Well we will start with my side and then move to your fathers." My mom said.

I nodded my head.

"Your grandparents, my parents, are werewolves." She paused and looked around the room.

"Could you guys give me, Snow, and Harry some privacy?"

Phill, Dani, and Summer left. My mom raised an eyebrow quizzically at Max and Gigi.

"Mom just leave them. I'll explain why later."

She just nodded her head.

"Okay. So your grandparents are both werewolves. Along with other things. They were also snowflakes. Your other set of grandparents are werewolves along with flamers. When your father and I mated we made you. You, Snow are Werewolf and a flame flake."

My mom turned and faced Harry.

"So what I know of your lineage is that your mom is a werewolf vampire. I don't know what your dad is, but I do know that your dad comes from strong Alpha blood."

Harry just nodded .

"So I'm a Werewolf Snowflake and Harry us a Werewolf Vampire. " I said out loud.

"Wow. Who would have saw that coming?" Gigi said randomly.

"Now the reason that we are telling you this is because you two are a part of the Tyler prophesy." My mom continues.

And suddenly everything clicked together.

"So what you are saying is when Harry and I mate our child will be the baby that us going to be the leader of all the supernaturals?" I asked.

She slowly nodded her head. I got up fast. I ran out of the room as fast as I could ignoring the protests of the others.

Once I was outside the pack house I headed towards the woods.

I was pushing my leg to their limit. It was burning me ,but I didn't care. I had to push. Go faster and faster. I wasn't ready for this. How could it be?

'Snow where are you?' Harry's voice ran loud and clear. It was filled with worry.

I stopped running.

' In the woods.'

He chuckled a little.

' That was obvious. Where in the woods?'

' I'll come back.' I said softly.

' Good because I miss you Snow. Don't worry about all of this. We have each other and we will get through this okay?'

'Okay Harry.'

I jogged back to the pack house. I turns out that I was running faster than I thought because it took me 10 minutes to get there. When I was, I saw Harry pacing outside.

I silently crept up to him and put my arms around his waist. He relaxed at once when he realized it was me.

I laid my face down on his back.

"I'm sorry that I worried you." I mumbled into his back.

He turned around. He grabbed my chin to lift it up that way I was staring at him.

"I k ow that this is scary. I know that all these things keep coming and they seem like they get worse. But we have each other. And that is never going to change. Remember that Snow. I'm never going to leave your side. Well besides when we have to go to the bathroom but..." he said trying to lighten the mood.

I laughed.

"There's that smile I love. Now let's go back inside. The others are worried about you and your mother feels really bad that she scared you."

I instantly felt bad that they all freaked out.

I nodded my head in agreement that we should go in. I grabbed his hand liked my life depended on it.

Like that we walked into the house hand in hand. Instantly I was pounced on by Gigi and my mom.

"Snow your okay. I'm so sorry. I never meant to scare you." my mom said honestly.

"Its okay." I told her.

I looked at Gigi and Max.

"Take us to Miranda."

*Present *


Miranda's P.O.V

" Why are you so calm about this? We just found out that the product of our love is going to be the leader of all the Supernaturals. " Snow told Harry.

"Snow calm down."

She nodded her head and took deep breaths.

"Do you guys want to hear the rest of what we know?" Lyle asked them.

They nodded.

"The reason that your pack is in danger is because your child is going to be the leader. Some Supernaturals don't want that. So for that not to happen they are planning on killing you two."

"So what can we do to stop this?" Harry asked.

"It can't be stopped. We simply go to war." I told them.


A/N Hey guy! How did you like this little chapter?

My friends that don't write but I love them:







Love you all hippos,

Little Izzy

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