Chapter 6

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"WHAT!!!!" Harry yelled. 

Snow's P.O.V

"Harry what's wrong?"

Harry didn't answer me. He was breathing heavier and heavier. His eyes looked out of it. His curls were sticking to his forehead because of how he was sweating.



Harry's P.O.V

- Flashback-

"I'm sorry Harry but you have to."

"But dad ,"

"No buts Harry. We need the money and going out with Miranda is the only way. Her father will send money to our family just because you are dating her. Relax Harry. It's not like we are telling you to marry the girl."

"Might as well be!"

"ENOUGH!!! You are going to meet her in a month and that that. No more fighting."


A month

"Harry wake up! Today you are seeing Miranda!"


"What did you say to me?! I am your step father and I will be treated with respect!!"

He then brought his hand down on my face. Repeatedly.

"Have you learned your lesson?" He asked me.

I was too sore to even answer so I just nodded my head.

"Good. Now get ready."

1 later.

I stood outside the Rivera's house.

'Here goes nothing.' I thought.

I rang the door bell.

Ding dong

The door swung open.

"Harry!" A burly man said.

"Didn't you hear?"

"Hear what?!"

"Miranda found her true mate."


"Last week."

"No I was not informed of this." I said clenching my teeth tight.

"That's weird. I made a call to your father to tell him."

"He must have forgotten to tell me."

"Well goodbye sir."

"Goodbye Harry."

I turned to leave.

"Hey Harry! What happened to you for you to get that bruise?"

"Just tripped and fell."

He gave me a look of disbelief but quickly forgot about it.

"Okay kid."

- End of Flashback - 

"Harry?" Snow's voice said.

I looked at her.

"Are you okay?" She asked through our bond.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said out loud but through the connection I told her,

"Later we need to talk."

"Harry, if this is about the flashback you had I know. I went into your thought and I saw everything."

I looked at her. I saw the sadness in her eyes and her flushed cheeks. It looked like she was crying.

"Love were you crying?"

She nodded her head before she wrapped me in a hug while crying into my neck soaking my shirt.

"Snow promise me something."

"What is it?"

"Promise me that no matter what, you won't let me go."

"And you promise me that you won't let me go?" She asked.


"Then I promise you too."


A/N Hey guys!! How did you guys like it?

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