I Love You

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For Song: Skip to 00:12 if necessary to hear song


I woke up in bed to see Laurent staring at me. His eyes are like that part of him that gives off so much love and feeling. I enjoy looking him in his eyes. The longer I stare at them I suddenly remember what happened last night. I then get sad and immediately feel bad. Sitting up in bed I rub my head, allowing those memories to flash across my mind. Lau must have noticed because I felt him slide close to me and removed my hands from my head, greeting me with a warm smile. I smiled back at him. We looked at each other for a second before kissing. His kisses always made me feel warm inside. Sometimes I could describe the feeling like a High School freshman having her first kiss on the school yard. Yea, he made me feel that childish.

Lau: Get dressed into something comfortable. Its me and you today. (smile)

Laurent and Brianna spent the entire day together. They went to the beach and walked around and talked a while. It gave Brianna time to get to know Laurent on a deeper level as well as vent to him about her past, and relationship with Chandler. He didn't know she even had a brother. He always thought that since she acted so spoiled that she was an only child. But unfortunately that wasn't the case. After spending so much time talking Bri took it upon herself to create some fun and run out to the water and splash Lau some. They played in the ocean like a pair of kids. He scooped her up from behind and carried her out of the water as they both laughed. Putting her down on the sand he held her around the waist, looking her in the eyes. He grabbed her face and kissed her sweetly.

B: Mmmm. This food, is amazing. I cant believe we've passed this restaurant so many times and haven't come till now.

Lau: I know, my manager said she talked to a local and they say this place is worth coming to.

B: Mmm. This is the part of the problem for my attitude.

Lau: Ha, what?

B: I'm getting fat, I blame you.

Lau: Ahaha! What? You blame me? Belle come on really, you can no think that its my fault you gain weight?

B: Yep its all you man! LOL

Lau: Oh that's cold. Ha, I don't know bae, I kinda like you thicker. It looks great on you.

B: (blush) Really now?

Lau: Really. *wink*

B: Whatever let me keep eatin my food, and gaining the weight you made me gain.

Lau: Aha! You no gonna let this go are you?

B: Ahaha!

On the walk back to the hotel they were about to pass by a jewelry store. Bri looked passed Laurent's head to look inside the window. A ring caught her eye, because it looked similar to a ring she saw a long time ago when her and Chandler were out shopping with their parents one day. She walked up to the window with her hands on the glass to get a better look at how the ring shinned under the lights. Lau walked up behind her and looked at the ring too.

Lau: Its beautiful isn't it?

B: Yea. But I don't know if I deserve it or not.

Lau: What you mean?

Brianna began back walking down the street again as Lau followed behind her and put his hand in hers. She went on to further explaining what she meant.

B: I mean, I want to be married but I don't know...my parent's marriage is not even a real one. They been out of love with each other. They only together for the sake of their images and reputation of being the best 'together'. It was completely stupid to me and Chandler. I mean I was young but I know love when I see it. And it was not with my parents.

Lau: Wow that's crazy. I'm sorry for that.

B: Nah its cool. I'm a big girl now what can I say. I know better.

Lau: I see.

Within the next half hour Lau and Bri made it to the room. He carried her inside Bridal style making her swoon. He carried her to the bed, laying her down with her legs around his waist. She tightened them making sure he didn't pull away from her. He looked her in the eyes and could tell what she was thinking. Immediately taking off his shirt he kissed her neck. She sat up for a second to remover her dress, letting it fall to the floor.

He crawled back in between her legs with his lips, never disconnecting with hers. He pinned her wrist to the bed as he attacked her neck with the suction of his mouth. She cried out into the atmosphere of the room in pleasure. She couldn't stop squirming. With every move of his mouth on her skin, sent her into a paradise that couldn't be possible to visit on earth. Kissing down her body he slowly increased the pool between Brianna's legs. She tried to contain it, but nothing she did helped.

Before she knew it Lau was grinding deep, and slow inside her with love in every stroke. Once it started to get good to him he let go of her wrists grabbing hold of the mattress, trying to give himself more time to be inside of her. Truth was, she felt better than any other girl he has had sex with, but it was different with Brianna because with her, it wasn't just sex. She slid her hands up and down his back until she found her sweet spot and dug her nails into his skin. He grunted a bit when he felt the sting of her cubicles.

He increased the speed making her struggle to hang on. She was riding the wave of pleasure with him and it never felt so good. It was something she could never describe to anyone else, but Laurent became her soul mate. He was everything she has ever wanted in a man. Someone to listen to her, let her know when she's wrong or being too much, someone to show her love everyday non-stop. All the love and feelings she felt about Laurent drained from her mind to her eyes as she let go of them in the form of tears. They ran from the corners of her eyes down to her ears as she came like she never did before.

Laurent breathed heavy as he lay on top of her still. Putting his forehead to hers he spoke and said. "I love you." Brianna let go another tear before responding. " I love you too."

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