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B: I don't know babe, you think that the fabric is good enough, you know she has sensitive skin.

Lau: Well I know babe but its so cute, and my best friend's wife made this. I mean I don't want him to think his wife's gift is terrible.

B: *sigh* Well it is pretty cute with the pink butterflies on it. I guess you can bring it home.

Lau: Oki, now put my baby on the screen I wanna see her.

Brianna shifted in front of her laptop and huffed at Laurent's question. They were on Skype because he and Larry were in San Francisco for a workshop, and Brianna was at home in New York.

B: Come on babe I just put her to bed cant you wait till she wakes up?

Lau: Non honey, I wanna see my princess! Come on! Come on! Come on!

B: Okay okay, shush! Pushy. Just hold on a second so I can get her.

Laurent smiled and clapped immaturely as he patiently waited for Bri to come back with their little one. Once she returned Laurent could see the camera shift. Brianna gently cradled the baby with one arm as she settled herself on the bed. Once she was comfortable she situated the baby so that her face was in clear view of the camera.

Laurent smiled ear to ear as her beautiful brown, round sleeping face appeared before him. It took his breath away to see his little girl peacefully sleeping. He couldn't help but allow that soft spot to form for her. He felt like it was his duty as her father to do so.

Lau: Aww. Daddy's baby. Hey Laura, hi baby. Aw papa miss you! (blow kiss)

Brianna couldn't help but giggle at him being so happy to see their little creation. Laura was 5 weeks old, and growing little and little every day. Her skin was a perfect mixture of Laurent and Brianna's complection. With eyes of golden hazel and cute button nose like her mother, on top of soft curly hair. She was the miracle that Brianna had been praying for. Holding her in her arms meant everything to her. It was much more than feeling her warm body against hers, she was her protector, her guide, her teacher, her comforter, her mother.

B: (giggle) I love her so much babe. And I love you too, I cant wait for you to come home.

Lau: Yea I know, the workshop was good, but I miss you guys too. Our plane leave tomorrow morning and I be there soon.

B: Okay, well let me lay her back down and I will see you when you get home.

Lau: Oki, I love you too.

Brianna ended the call with Lau and shut her laptop. She looked down at Laura and kissed her little forehead, raising up off the bed in the same motion. Making it into the nursery she placed her smoothly into her crib. Bri fixed her head so that it layed perfectly to the side. Once she had seen that she was settled Brianna stood there looking over her, leaning over the rail of her crib. She felt her chest get hot. She could never perfectly describe the feeling with real words, but she could admit that being a mother was one of the greatest tasks she could ever take on.


Looking at her makes me want to cry every time. She's only been in this world for 5 weeks and from the beginning she stolen my heart. All throughout my life I had hoped and wished that my mother smothered me with love and affection as much as she tried to live her life through me. I used to could never squeeze an ounce of affection out of her and it took a toll on my personality and self-esteem. But now that I have grown up, I had forgiven her and my father. I had forgiven the fact that my brother's death was not their fault or a way to punish me. It's just life, and everyone must live it. Meeting Laurent, and going through the things that I have this past year has made me grow into the woman I am now. I have let go so many burdens that have tried to destroy me, and now I can breathe. I can breathe and wake up everyday with a smile on my face, not having to relive the nightmare of Chandler not being here, knowing I'm alone. I can breathe now knowing that I have a husband. A husband that loves me and will never let me down and will be here with me to raise our child and future children. We will grow old together and love each other through the hurt, and pain, and the joy of being married because that's what it's all about. Love. I Brianna Renaé Gaines, have found love in the form of a best friend, Parents, a sister, a husband, and a child.

Brianna stroked Laura's little hand once more before walking away from her crib. Standing at the doorway she instinctively overlooked her room to make sure everything was okay. She smiled as she closed the door slowly. "Sweet dreams my love."

The End

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