Chapters 21-22

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Doesn't the actor I picked to be my John look adorable??? Comment and tell me what you think.
Going to look for John
Cassandra's P.O.V.
As The baby grew inside me, I got more and more worried. What if the search party didn't find John? Was john dead? It had been two days since I called General Raymond. I decided to call him again. I needed to hear the words of reassurance that someone was going to help me find John.
"General," I said politely when he answered the phone, "James, Lydia, and I would like to go look for John. We have a huge boat. It has a bathroom and 3 small bedrooms with a main deck out on top."
"Cassandra, alright. You may go join my search party when you are ready. But be careful. The Atlantic can be deadly at times, especially around this time of year."
"Alright. We will be out in two days. I need to get time off of work." I said with a delectable smile. For once, the General was cooperating with me.
"Yes Cassandra. I hope you do find him. Good luck. Goodbye." He hung up.
"Lydia!" I called as I stepped into her house.
"In the living room." She called. I went it and she and James were both there with Mr. Peterson. I said hello to him.
"Are we going to search for John?" James asked hopefully. I knew he wanted to did him. James looked out for John as if they were brothers and vise versa.
"Yeah. I just got permission from the general. In two days we will go. I have to ask Ray for some time off."  I was supposed to e preparing for my your and Ray being the kid of man he is isn't going to like that I request time off but since he isn't married, I don't expect him to understand.
"I have already talked to Ray for time off for both of us. I was supposed to go to Michigan to help my cousins wife bit now I can use the time for this." James said. Mr. Peterson looked at us and we filled him in on details.
"Good. We have to get our boat out there. My cook and maid will watch your pet and mine for as long as we need them to. Start packing you guys." I said cheerily, finally we were going to start our search that I am hoping will turn out positive. We talked for a little while more and then I went home to pack the few things I would need. I was so excited to finally begin searching for John. I also told the cook and Samantha to take care of the pets while we were gone. They both said ok.
What if I didn't find John though? I thought to myself then my baby will grow up without a father. So many questions were running in my mind faster then I could keep up with.

Cassandra's P.O.V.
I finished packing and went to sleep.  I was relieved to go to bed as early as I did but we had to get an early start the next day. Then morning came. We had to drive for eight hours to get to South Carolina to go to the dock to launch the boat. We would be taking my suburban. George would drive it. The boat would be taken by a bigger truck. Ray came over an hour later.
"Look Cassandra, I want you to be careful so don't go hurting yourself ok?" Wow, Ray sounded concerned about me. Thats new.
"I won't. Thanks Ray." I said. Then, he left with another word of good luck.
James, Lydia, and I went to the backyard to get the big boat hitched to the truck so one of George's friends could drive it to South Carolina.
"I'll get this ladies. You both sit down. I don't want those babies hurt." He chuckled and got to work. So we sat down in the shade and James began to help hitch the gigantic boat to the truck. Then, on the other side of the boat, we heard a scream and ran over. It was from James.
"James!" Lydia cried "are you ok?" She knelt down beside him. Oh no! No more injuries or pain! He was pale and there was a cut going down his arm. Blood gushed out and Lydia cried out again. She hated anything to do with blood. Hated it. Thats why she doesn't approve of John going off to war.
"Ohhhh my baby!" She cried. I was stunned but ran inside to get some wet cloths and huge band aids to stop the cut from getting worse. Blood didn't exactly make me feel good either.
I ran back out to where they were on the ground. Lydia had calmed down a little but was clutching James shoulders. He was sitting up now holding his arm in his other hand. I, as best as I could, started to bandage up his arm. I hoped it would stop the bleeding.
"Lydia, he'll be fine. It's only a cut." I said as I hugged her reassuringly.
"Alright." She whispered as James patted her beautiful blonde hair. Later, James got the boat hitched up and the driver same to drive it and went on his way. We packed up the suburban and went to bed early because we had to leave early.
The next day, we all got up and after petting my cats, I grabbed my purse and got into the car. James as driving. Lydia got the front seat and I was in the back and we all set out to go look for my darling John. I was ecstatic.

Hey guys! Sorry there haven't been more comments from Abby and I but we would love to hear how you all are liking our book. Vote and comment and so on. Just know we love u guys and are grateful for the reads! Love u all! XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO

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