Chapters 67-68

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Visitor from the past
Lydia's P.O.V.

John and I talked about me not being a goody two shoes because I used to sneak out to see Brad Woodly, but our relationship didn't last long because Brad was extremely rude to both me and Max, who is a person with a story for another day. In other words, Brad and I did not end on good terms but with a lot of yelling and crying.

Did I even bother to tell James that? No. Did I tell Cassie? No. The only one who knew about it was John. Even my parents never found out. But I doubted they would care.

I did think about him occasionally. Where was he? Was he married? Did he ever think about me?

I picked up a magazine with Cassandra's face on the cover and began to read it but as I turned the page, I froze. Brads face was staring up at me! I couldn't believe it! I read the article.

Since I was in my bedroom alone because Cassandra was with Ray and the band and James was in the living room playing a video game while Emma slept at his side. George was playing with James but he couldn't beat James. James was just too good since he played online with his high school buddies. So I decided why not read about Brad.

I found out that he was an actor like James, is a huge fan of Cassandra, and lives in Phoenix. The article also said that when Cassie has her Phoenix concert, Brad has a VIP ticket to meet Cassie! It also said he was unmarried. I smiled.

I would get to see Brad. But what would I tell James? Oh yes, I completely forgot at the Phoenix concert, he would stay in the bus that night with George and Emma. But maybe that wont work. James might want to come to the concert. I would talk to him later. For now, it would wait because we were going to find a swimming pool. We had to go to a concert in Santa Fe but until then, we were going to have some fun. So we did.

A few days later when we pulled into Phoenix, a huge crowd surrounds the buses. Cassie flashes a smile and walks outside with James, Emma, and I behind her. In the very front of the line is Brad. She signs his book and his eyes meet mine. I quickly look away and follow close behind Cassie.

He starts to follow but the crowd closes in, leaving Brad on the outside, staring wide eyed at me. Now I regret coming. I was excited to see Brad but not anymore.

Later that night, I stand around nervously as Brad gets his backstage tour. Cassie turns the corner with Brad behind her and they are coming straight towards me. I wish James was here right now but he and Ray went to do an interview for a new movie James might star in. At least I had Emma but she couldn't do much damage to him.

"And this is my best friend Lydia Vilandi." Cassandra said coming to stand next to me.!

"Wow Brad, I haven't seen you in forever." I say shifting my weight with Emma in my arms.

"Wow, I cannot believe it. After seven years, here we are." Brad gasped as he pulled me into a hug.

"Your gonna' squish my daughter!" I squeal.

Now that I had Emma back, I rarely let her out of my sight and was always so careful with her.

"You two know each other." Cassie asked with wide eyes.

I nodded.

Cassie smirked. "Well if you don't mind, theres something I need to do." She smiled again and rushed off.

"So what are you doing these days?" He asks me, eyeing Emma.

"I am releasing a best selling series and turning it into a movie," I say "and you?"

As if I don't already know, I thought.

"I'm an actor," Max says, "you still look the same. Long blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, and those long eyelashes you used to bat at me." He smiled flirtatiously.

"And you're still the same with your long brown hair that you flip trying to look good and those dumb compliments that you tried to use to get girls to like you." I said with a coy smile.

"I got you to like me." He snapped back.

"Big mistake on my part." I replied angrily.

"I thought you would has changed but I guess I'm wrong." He took a step toward me.

"Oh, I have changed," I assured him "I'm a best selling author, I'm married with a daughter, and I'm best friends with the famous Jessandra."

"You think that matters?" He asks.

"It should, it's more than what you've got." I turned in my heel and walked off.

The bomb
Lydia's P.O.V.
"Married? To who?" Brad scoffed running after me.

"James Vilandi, the stuntman." I sighed.

"Oh him?!?! He is auditioning to be my stuntman. How cool is that?"

"Well you are still single so what does that say about you?"

"That I don't need someone to take care of me."

"Well you should get someone to cook for you, you are starting to get a little chunky."

"At least if I had a child it wouldn't die."

I stepped back and it felt like a blow to the gut or a slap across the face.

"I cannot believe you said that. That was low and dirty." Tears fell down my cheeks whether I wanted them to or not. "You think it was easy being a mom and having your daughter die?" I step foreword until he is standing against a wall.

"I, I'm sorry Lydia, that was a low shot but all I wanted was to meet you again." He whispered.

"Look what happens when we are together, anyways James interview should be over and I have a home I need to be at, so good bye." I turned on my heel and didn't look back.

I knew I should've known that he'd make me feel like dirt. I turned on the radio in the car while I waited for the others. On the radio, they were playing a Jessandra song until a mans voice came on the radio and the song stopped. His voice sounded urgent. He said,

"A bomb was dropped in Turkey a few hours ago and many have been found dead. It looks as though General Sarcosmin, General Raymound, General Markent, and General Luelo's men are down. Only four survivors Fromm General Raymond's troop have been found. I repeat only four survivors. Many others are down and the war has just begun."

I put my head on the steering wheel and turned off the radio. Banging it hard against the wheel I came to a conclusion. John was dead.

How could this happen? He only just got back a few hours ago. My phone rang and James face appeared on the screen.

"Hello?" I said shakily.

"Did you hear the news?" James asks softly. I couldn't respond. "I'll be home as soon as I can. Don't worry, we'll get through this. I love you and be careful. Don't tell Cassandra yet alright? I'll be home soon. Ill audition later. Bye." He hung up slowly.

I dropped my phone to the car floor and bang on the steering wheel and screamed as loud as I could. For minutes all I did was scream.

For my whole life he was the only man I trusted other than Max, but then James came into the picture and I fell in live with James.

But John was dead. He had been my everything and I never thought we would seperate. John had looked out for and cared for me for over ten years and he still did.

I put my head in my hands and sobbed. This couldn't be true. It just couldn't.

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